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Off-trail Backpacking and Canyoneering Expedition
Lake Superior Provincial Park
Wawa :: Algoma District :: Ontario :: Canada
May 24 to June 2, 2008
10 Days of backpacking
and canyoneering
through the heart of Canada's
Lake Superior Provincial Park,
from the shore of Lake Superior
to the Agawa Canyon,
including travel up
the Coldwater River watershed
and a visit to Calwin Falls
By Mary Powell (NatureLady)
Flint, Michigan
© Copyright 2008
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Friday, May 23rd was cool and sunny--a good day
for driving. As I traveled north on '75 it was like moving back into
early spring. At home the maples and birches were leafed out. Trilliums
were on the decline and trout lilies had all but disappeared. On reaching
Batchawana Bay on Superior's east shore, I found birches still in catkins
and maples with only a hint of green where the leaves would later be.
I arrived at the appointed rendezvous, the Voyageur
Inn and Cookhouse, around 5 PM and decided on a beach walk to dispel
the stupor of the long drive. A brisk breeze from the lake soon cleared
the fog from my head and I marveled at the collection of driftwood along
the shore. Every few feet there was a pleasingly arranged accumulation
of random debris--curls of birch bark, smooth gray driftwood, tangled
roots, beaver-chewed sticks, sprigs of evergreen, pieces of rock and
Photographed against the waves and the sunset, matted
and framed, the images could have filled a gallery.
A quarter of a mile or so down the beach the Carp
River flows into the lake. Reaching it I saw that it had resculpted
the sandbar at its mouth since our trip there last fall. A flock of
seagulls rested on it looking like a formation of soldiers, evenly spaced
and all facing into the wind at exactly the same angle. The river blocked
further travel north so I turned back toward the motel. The light of
the setting sun illuminated the white towers of the huge wind farm barely
visible on a peninsula across the bay--yet another reminder that change
is constant and there are too few unaltered wild places....
When I got back to the motel Chris had arrived
and was looking for company for dinner, so we headed over to the Cookhouse.
His "voyageur meat pie" and my "Caesar of the wilderness
salad" (both delicious) were followed by raspberry crisp with ice
after which it required considerable effort to get up and
return to our rooms.
As I was retrieving some gear from my car, Charlie
and his daughter Tracy arrived. Veterans of last spring's trip, they
were looking forward to this one. Tracy moved in with me, as the room
had a bed not in use. Charlie stayed with us a while to chat before
going out to their car to sleep. He would be starting the trip with
a welding burn on his left foot and asked my opinion on the advisability
of that.
Though sizeable, the burn appeared uninfected and
being a few days old was beginning to heal. We decided it would be safe
to give it a try as it would be possible to leave the trip after a couple
of days if it got worse, as Chris would be going out early to return
to work. (Despite the adverse conditions of the hike, including almost
continually wet feet, the wound did not present any significant problems.
With nightly cleaning and salve, it was healing well at the end of the
Tracy and I were up before 7 AM and peeking through
the curtains to see what was in store for us. The sky was clear, but
opening the door let in a very cool breeze--definitely a day for layers.
Along with Chris and Charlie we headed for breakfast a bit before the
appointed time of 8 AM. Dennis soon found us there and after a while
Michael and Josh came in. Over a delicious meal of eggs and assorted
carbs, we completed the required paperwork for the trip.

The crew for this spring's annual Canadian
Backpacking Expedition. (Photo courtesy of Dennis Waite)
By 9:30 we were headed toward the Agawa Visitor
Center to obtain our backcountry permits. Since we were parking in various
locations, had residents and nonresidents and one leaving early, it
took some advanced math to calculate the fee. Chris and I then shuttled
his car to the portage trail he hoped to come out on, while the others
took vehicles to the trip's planned end at Frater.

A black bear spotted by Tracey while returning
from the ACR Frater Siding. (Photo courtesy of Tracey R.)
We then met near the bridge where Coldwater Creek
crosses Hwy 17.

The expedition plan. (Graphic by LandNavMan)
It was almost lunch time, but we were eager to
get started and so began hiking. Though it was still sunny, scattered
clouds had moved in and the breeze made the air feel cooler than the
actual temperature which was around 60 degrees.
The black flies were pesty near the moving water,
but not a serious problem. Trout lilies were abundant and blue bead
lilies were in bud. The terrain was typical of backcountry Ontario--rocky
and anything but level. A short distance upstream June Creek flowed
in from the north. Not far beyond that we came upon a small falls, a
picturesque drop of perhaps 10 feet or so.
After a brief Kodak moment at that falls, we continued
climbing toward a place where three contour lines were stacked on the
map. There we found a multiple cascade of 40 feet or more.

Tracey R. and BigFish at Three Fish Falls.
(Photo courtesy of Tracey R.)
The fishermen (that's Josh, Chris, Dennis and Charlie)
pulled out their rods. The rest of us dispersed to take pictures and

NightBlazer readies his pole for fishing brook
trout along the Coldwater River. (Photo courtesy of NatureLady)
We gathered after a while at the top of the falls
for lunch. The fishermen hadn't had much luck, perhaps because it was
midday and sunny. We dubbed the place "Three Fish Falls" though,
because we'd found three good sized, but wary, trout trapped in a pond
behind a pile of logs at the bottom of one of the cascades.

Tracey R. and BigFish taking a well-deserved
break along the Coldwater River. (Photo courtesy of NatureLady)
After lunch we continued upriver. The land flattened
out above the falls and the stream meandered. We followed a tributary
that crossed a contour line a little way back from the main stream,
but we were not rewarded with a falls there.
Remnants of an old logging road ran north to meet
the river. We followed it and camped on the shore of Coldwater Creek
near the remains of the bridge where the road had once crossed the stream.
Chris went off to fish again and reported some luck (trout) in a pool
We fixed our evening meal and counted this first
day as a good one. There were pink wisps of clouds in the clear sky
at bedtime. The temp was in the lower forties and dropping.
Day 2--Sunday
We didn't have a minimum registering thermometer
out, but Michael reported that the condensate on his tarp was frozen
early in the night. When I was up around 4:30 AM, there was light frost
on the bushes and moonlit clouds over the trees--beautiful! The morning
was nice too-sunlit and rapidly warming.
Josh had decided that he was carrying more stuff
than absolutely necessary. He and Michael sorted through his pack and
cached what could be left behind for pickup at the end of the trip.
Now that Josh would be carrying some semblance of what the rest of us
were, we joked that we might have to hobble him in order to keep up.

Just one of many river fords for BigFish.
(Photo courtesy of BigFish)
We began by following the remnant of road that
we'd camped on further into the hills. In some short stretches it was
open and gravelly, but most of it was heavily overgrown with evergreens
and we were thankful that the moose had preserved something of a trail
through them. Chris, on point, found a shed as did Josh a bit later.

A moose shovel NightBlazer found along the
Coldwater River. (Photo courtesy of NightBlazer)
These finds, of course, brought out the cameras--material
for the "Sheds and Skulls" page.
We had lunch along the river where the topos showed
a pond, but the beavers had moved on and there were only hummocks and
long-dead trees. After the meal we worked our way upstream to another
place where the map showed a pond (hoping to fish) but the beavers had
deserted this one too. We moved on upstream and camped where the river
met the road again. It was mid afternoon, but a drizzling rain was falling,
so we opted for a snack and a nap.

NightBlazer at one of the many waterfalls
along our route. (Photo courtesy of NightBlazer)
When the rain abated, Charlie, Tracy and I went
for a walk, climbing the hill behind our camp and contouring around
to a small stream that dropped over dark rocks toward the river. We
followed it upstream, finding several attractive little falls. The area
was unusually open and park-like, the forest there being composed of
maple, aspens and other mature deciduous trees rather than the dense
spruce and cedar or tangles of alder that grew by the river.
When we'd had enough exploring we followed the
stream down to the river and the river back to camp. Chris had been
fishing, but without much success. The evening remained cloudy, damp
and cool.
Day 3--Monday
The weather deteriorated steadily after our morning
coffee. Overcast turned to intermittent rain and by noon there was light
hail. Needing to cross the river, we moved downstream to a shallower
area with an overgrown gravel pit on the far side that Chris had explored
as a possible campsite the day before. Some of us made a feeble attempt
to keep our feet dry while others, being already pretty wet, just waded
Once across, we followed the overgrown road again
for a while, coming back to the river to check out another potential
fishing hole, but it, too, had been long ago deserted by the beavers.
As it was raining/hailing at lunch time, we set
up a couple of tarps to avoid being pelted by the precipitation as we
ate. Nevertheless, by the end of the meal we were quite chilled and
glad to pack up to move on. We climbed up to Jungle Lake and explored
its shores in search of the official campsite that showed on the park
map. We found no sign of it, but Tracy and I walked through a beautiful
boggy area that had a Pleistocene look about it--full of lacy ferns,
mist and dark water.
The rain continued and the wind picked up, so we
chose a sheltered area down low near the outlet of the lake to camp.
After setting up shelters we gathered dripping wood and used the big
knives to split it for kindling. We built a small fire to share near
the edge of my tarp and spent the evening getting warm and dry and enjoying
each other's company.

The crew warming up and drying out after a
long spell of cold, windy, rainy weather. (Photo courtesy of NightBlazer)
Day 4--Tuesday
The dawn was cool and gray but soon patches of
blue sky appeared. Chris was up early to do a bit of fishing before
leaving us. He discovered a cached canoe near the lake and we hurried
over to see it. It had definitely been there quite a while, but it was
still very seaworthy and the paddles stashed underneath were intact.
Josh also got into fishing, so it was after 10 AM when we finally lifted
our packs to hike.

A tandem canoe with paddles that NightBlazer
found stashed in the bush near a trout lake. (Photo courtesy of NightBlazer)
Chris went a short way with us then regretfully
said his good-byes and headed out on the "portage trail" that
led to his car ...sort of
.. He would still be needing his excellent
nav skills to get back. First of all, there were few signs of the trail
still to be found. Secondly, he would have to work his way around the
intervening lakes where there would be no trail. Joking that he'd make
it despite being handicapped by the daylight (his Internet handle being
"NightBlazer"), he disappeared into the woods toward Pilot
From that point Josh took the lead, cutting an
azimuth that took us to another beaver dam. We had lunch in a small
clearing nearby. It proceeded to snow lightly as we ate! After lunch
we worked our way north looking for another old logging road that showed
on the map. When we found the line of uniform-height evergreens that
indicated where a road had once been, I took a turn on point following
the road clues to Pinus Lake.
We found a decent campsite almost immediately on
a small peninsula, but explored most of the north shore of the lake
to make sure there wasn't a better one. Most of the shoreline was swampy
though so we returned to our original find and got set up. This was
a pretty little lake, shallow, with banks clothed in leather leaf and
sweet gale.
Back under the evergreens was a carpet of ferns,
many still unfurling with the intense chartreuse color of early spring.
I mentioned having read that they were good to eat when sautéed
at that stage. Josh said indeed they were, and remarked that many Canadian
groceries had them in the produce department. I made a mental note to
look them up.
Exploring a bit before starting dinner, I saw several
toads, a hummingbird checking the earliest honeysuckle blooms, and a
pair of loons floating quietly on the lake. A chorus of frogs sang intermittently
and in the water were schools of minnows. We relaxed, read and ate.
The guys thought about fishing, but there was really no good vantage
point on the shore from which to do it.

Tracey R. fording one of the many waterways
along our 10-day route. (Photo courtesy of Tracey R.)
Day 5--Wednesday
I awoke to the sound of geese complaining about
our presence. There was sunlight on my tarp but the thermometer read
30 degrees. A mist blanketed the lake and I could hear water trickling
over the beaver dam nearby--very peaceful! As usual, we took our time
with cooking, eating, and packing.
The morning's hike began with Tracy on point and
Michael showing her the finer points of his favorite art, land navigation.
She lead us north, back to the old logging road, which we followed for
awhile. Then we bushwhacked past Acer Lake stopping for lunch at the
far end.
As we resumed our hike after the meal, Michael
actually made mention of the profusion of trout lilies we were seeing.
This was likely more in deference to our botanical interests than because
he was intrigued himself. Flowers seem to be just a detail of the woods
for him, though an unusual concentration of bloom might serve as a temporary
land mark, as in a comment like, "Our azimuth goes just to the
left of that rock with all the yellow flowers around it." :)
We the turned north for a short distance, traveling
on yet another segment of old logging road. When we came to a ravine
that ran NE, we turned into it, following it down to the Sand River.
We emerged from the tag alders along the shore to an awesome view of
Calwin Falls thundering over a rocky ledge on the far side of a large
pool of dark water. We soaked up the view and took plenty of pictures
before moving on to our next task which was crossing the river.

Calwin Falls on the Sand River. (Photo courtesy
of Dennis Waite)
The Sand River in May is neither small nor slow,
and its water is cold. Immediately below the falls is a broad swirling
pool and below that is a section of rapids. We headed downstream. Michael
had in mind to cross at the pool below the rapids. The river is wide
there, more than a hundred feet, and it's deep, but relatively slow
and unobstructed. There aren't any major hazards immediately below that
Preparation for the crossing took some time. Michael
meticulously supervised wrapping of the packs and the making of PFD's
from our sleeping pads. Waiting for the swim the water seemed to grow
darker, colder, deeper
When the equipment was ready, he reviewed
our plan, making sure that each of us felt willing and able to do it.
That confirmed, he dropped off the rocks into the
water with a loud "EEEE HAA" and swam across, towing behind
him the line that would be used to ferry the packs. When he was safely
ashore, his pack was clipped to the rope with a carabiner, set gently
into the water and towed across. Its broad, round shape floated stably
and high in the water. One at a time we followed, clipping our packs
to the line, watching them ferry across, then swimming over after them
holding the rope.
Fortunately there were no major problems, though
a couple of small glitches occurred. Dennis slipped on the wet rocks
and went under with his glasses on. It seemed to take a long time for
him to surface. Luckily his glasses stayed with him. When Tracy's turn
came, her pack somehow came unclipped from the rope and was headed downstream
on its own until she gamely jumped in and retrieved it. When we were
all on the far side changing into dry clothes in the last of the afternoon
sun, there was a lot of cheerful banter and sharing of perceptions of
the experience. It was good to be there! And nothing of consequence
got wet!

Charlie R. works his rucksack across the Sand
River with ropes. (Photo courtesy of BigFish)
The crossing behind us, we headed upstream to spend
the night in the canoe campsite below the falls. We milled around a
bit choosing our real estate there, being unused to relatively flat
and brush-free ground. It ended up being a bit of a squeeze to get everyone
in: the corners of several tarps were overlapping. The fishermen were
eager to get their lines in the water. After dinner Charlie caught three
decent-sized trout.

BigFish with a nice brook trout he pulled
out of the pool below Calwin Falls. (Photo courtesy of BigFish)
Day 6--Thursday
Awakening to sunshine two days in a row seemed
too good to be true
AND we got to start the day with a sample of
Charlie's trout--MMMM! After that leisurely breakfast we broke camp
and ambled slowly upstream. We didn't have a lot of distance to cover
and it was definitely a beautiful day--mid sixties by late afternoon.
We took quite a few breaks and the guys tossed their lines into the
water here and there.
Shortly after lunch we encountered a team of four
park staff traveling downstream in a canoe. They seemed surprised to
see us and stopped to chat. They confirmed Michael's supposition that
the open area where we were talking (which appeared to have been hastily
cleared) was the location of an emergency helo evac several years ago.
BigFish with a very unusual, duck-like piece
of beaver-chewed wood. (Photo courtesy of NatureLady)
When the maintenance crew bade us adieu, we continued
upstream to the next canoe campsite located by a small falls near Sandy
Mountain. As it was warm and sunny, bathing seemed like a great idea
after setting up camp, and most of us disappeared into the alders along
the shore in search of a spot that accommodated our preferences. I found
a great one upstream--a flat rock in a couple feet of water with a deep
area beyond to swim in. It is amazing what clean hair and a change of
underwear can do for your outlook on life!
Warm weather does have its downside though: the
evening was a bit buggy. Being near the falls it was a good fishing
spot and several were caught there. We ate dinner and chatted about
gear and trips 'til bedtime.
Day 7--Friday
In the morning the sky was overcast and the temperature
in the lower forties again. Breakfast was relaxed as usual and the conversation
revolved around stoves. Seemed like everyone left the discussion with
their preferences unchanged
We headed up Sandy Mountain which looked interesting
on the topo because its top has three distinct peaks with a small lake
in the middle--complete with islands. "Mountain" is a slight
exaggeration: it stands about three hundred feet above the river. The
contours are closely stacked though and the terrain consists of forested
rocky ledges--so getting to the top would be a bit of work. It was Charlie's
turn on point and he employed his favorite nav technique: using the
"GO TO" function on his GPS. He was adept at it, and it did
allow us to work around the terrain without losing sight of our goal.
By lunch time the gray sky had progressed to light
rain and we brought out the tarps. We'd stopped in a fairly open area
of hardwoods, but, having the whole afternoon, decided to recon around
the lake to see what else was available as a campsite. We didn't find
a better camp spot, but we did see some huge old growth trees and a
beautiful cedar swamp with assorted ferns, skunk cabbage and a carpet
of moss.

LandNavMan practicing his trade with map and
compass. (Photo courtesy of NatureLady)
By early evening we'd settled under our tarps,
stashed the items too damp to dry with body heat and fixed our dinner.
We talked and got some reading done. The rain continued far into the
night, kind of a peaceful patter on the tarps.
Day 8--Saturday
We awoke to fog, dripping trees and frog songs.
Sandhills called in the distance across the lake. Our gear wasn't any
wetter, but it certainly hadn't dried either. Even the loons looked
a bit bedraggled. We fixed breakfast and packed. Still there was no
sign of the sun.
So we packed up, folding the soggy tarps last,
and we started off down the mountain through the dripping woods. Near
the bottom we worked our way along Carol Lake and then beyond.
after crossing into Bullock Township, which was sold to a timber magnate
by the ACR several years ago, we came upon the mass destruction of forest
that a clear cut is.
A huge road of mud and rock had been bulldozed
across the hills. It stretched into the distance, lined on both side
by giant tangled piles of stumps and trimmings presumably waiting to
be burned. Beyond the piles the terrain was barren except for scattered
snags and battered saplings. The desolation was oppressive.
Fortunately Mother Nature never gives up. Already
new vegetation was struggling to cover the barren soil and rock. The
openness encouraged a profusion of flowers, albeit aliens, such as hawkweed,
dandelions and Queen Anne's lace. We walked awhile in the intermittent
drizzle, more or less silent.
Then we began to discuss the positive aspects of
the situation: 1) it would be easy to have a fire in this area and leave
no sign afterward 2) there was definitely a limitless supply of firewood.
We would be warm and dry tonight! We continued down the road hoping
to find a scrap of forest near a water supply where we could camp.
We ended up in a gravelly flat area bulldozed at
the side of the road where it passed a small lake.

Our "row houses" in Bullock Township.
(Photo courtesy of NatureLady)
Once the shelters were up, we gathered firewood,
explored the area a bit and then settled in for the evening. We did,
indeed, have a very nice fire--being warm and dry makes happy campers.

Warm and dry, finally. (Photo courtesy of
Mid evening a couple of men in heavy-duty raingear
zipped by on an ATV. We surmised from the poles sticking out the back
that it was a fishing expedition from one of the camps near the tracks.
It wasn't long before they passed by in the opposite direction with
a "mission accomplished' look about them.

BigFish's broken bowie knife; not all metal
is forged equally. (Photo courtesy of BigFish)
Day 9--Sunday
By morning the rain had stopped. The sky was overcast
with small but promising patches of blue. After breakfast we packed
up and erased the signs of our fire. The ACR tracks which were our destination,
more or less, were only about five miles away so the hiking was very
relaxed. After days of damp boots my feet were rejoicing in sandals.
We considered visiting Tom and Shirley who own Windy Lake Lodge, but
having no way to tell if they were home, we didn't turn off at their

NatureLady's newt. (Photo courtesy of Tracey
It was lunchtime when we reached the tracks and
we settled in the shade to eat and consider our options for the night
since there is no southbound train on Sunday. One possibility was to
camp atop Black Spruce Mountain which loomed above us across the Agawa
River. Rocky outcrops along the edges give one an awesome view of the
surrounding area. Getting up there, however, would have taken most of
the afternoon.
We chose the less strenuous option of hiking about
half an hour along a trail that ran up the Black Spruce River which
flows into the Agawa nearby. This trail leads to a campsite beside a
pond just above the third falls upriver. Once there, we set up camp
and spent an idyllic afternoon fishing, swimming, sunbathing, exploring
and taking pictures.

Upper Black Spruce Falls below the eastern
flank of Black Spruce Mountain. (Photo courtesy of Dennis Waite)
The clouds had blown off to the east and a peaceful
evening meal was followed by a beautiful sunset which was reflected
on the sheer rock face across the pond. The sky darkened and the stars
came out, followed by the moon. We'd seen little of the night sky on
this trip with all the rain, so we lay back to enjoy it. A great last
evening in the bush!
Day 10--Monday
Morning brought more sunshine. We took our time
with breakfast. Most of us were down to our last scraps of cheese and
granola so packing lunch took little time. On the way back to the tracks
we stopped to photograph the lower falls. Then we joined several other
travelers at the tracks to wait for the train.
It came only a couple of hours after it was scheduled,
which is pretty much on time for a flag stop train. We loaded our gear
and ourselves into one of the baggage cars.

Riding in the baggage car. (Photo by Tracey
After purchasing tickets from the conductor we
arranged ourselves near one of the open doors or on a platform between
cars to enjoy the scenery along the tracks to Frater where Michael's
van and Dennis' car awaited us.

Bridal Veil Falls in the Agawa Canyon proper.
(Photo courtesy of NatureLady)
Dennis, who had the longest drive, headed south
after our good-byes.
The rest of us boarded Michael's van for return
to our vehicles parked near Coldwater Creek. Michael and Josh still
had to hike back for the cached equipment, while Tracy, Charlie and
I headed for the Voyageur Inn and a taste of REAL food.
Mike and Josh stopped by there later to report
the success of their retrieval mission, which included Josh finding
another moose shed as he approached the Coldwater.

A moose shovel BigFish found along the the
north bank of the Coldwater River. (Photo courtesy of BigFish)
Another great trip--10 days of wonderful wilderness
time and good company--was in the bag!
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God's wilderness lies the hope of the world,
the great, fresh, unblighted, unredeemed wilderness.
John Muir (1838-1914),
Alaska Wilderness, 1890
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