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Off-trail Backpacking and Spelunking
Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore
Munising :: Alger County
Central Upper Peninsula of Michigan
October 3-6, 2008
4 Days of backpacking
and spelunking in the
backcountry of
Pictured Rocks National Lakeshore
E-mail author at woodswoman2001@yahoo.com
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Strong winds and chilly temps interfaced with episodes
of rain. The forecast appeared much brighter than actuality. Hopes were
high that it would change. Living close to Lake Superior I know the
weather can change drastically at any moment.
Tradition had it that the group would congregate
at the Dogpatch Restaurant for breakfast before the start of the trip.
While this is optional for trip participants, not many ever bow out
of the opportunity.
There were seven of us. They included Michael the
trip leader, Milton, Mary, Dave, Dale, Mary Ann and myself. Members
of the group traveled from as far south as the Detroit area in Michigan
to the north border of the state including the Soo area in Canada.
We also joined with seventeen more trippers from
the Solar Club at the breakfast feast. Our highly spirited and favorite
waitress at the DogPatch Restaurant had the crowd fed in record time.
To top off the occasion a birthday cake was presented
to Michael. Rumor has it that Milton tipped off the waitress about the
birthday. Michael was highly surprised and remarked that he hadn't had
as much attention since his second grade party. A chorus of the traditional
birthday song rang through the air and then Michael divided the tiny
cake down into an amazing amount of bite-size portions.
We next stopped at the Visitors Center for Pictured
Rocks National Lakeshore. Although we wouldn't need permits as we weren't
camping in the park itself, Michael wished to inform the ranger about
our plans. We would be camping in the buffer zone but exploring the
backcountry inside the park at times.
We shuttled cars to Miner's Castle and then drove
the gravel road to the Chapel Basin Parking Area. At this point, there
was only an occasional spit of rain so we contemplated whether to keep
donning our rainwear. Since the vegetation was still somewhat wet and
the temperature was cool, I think all of us wore them at least in the
We left the parking area and after a few hundred
yards dropped off the trail proper to explore the area between the trail
and lake for caves. The first series of caves that we explored are of
various sizes mostly being on the small side (at least compared to the
others that we would visit) There are also remains of an old log building
that is slowly being consumed by the forest.

Broomstick Cave.
(Photo by Gail Staisil)
We soon bushwhacked around to the north side of
Chapel Lake. Here we explored the series of caves that many of us are
so familiar with. They are always fun to revisit and they're always
exciting for those who haven't seen them before.

Dale emerges from the grotto known as Down
and Out. (Photo by Mary Powell)
This was an unique way to explore the backcountry
of Pictured Rocks for the first time as experienced by Dale and Dave.
Several people had fun slithering down into some of the formations without
their packs including Milton, Michael, Dave and Dale....and then not
to out do each other, it was tried by several of them with their packs
Dave, outside one of the Chapel Basin Escarpment
caves. (Photo by Dave Goodyear)
Michael had given many of the caves names as he
had plotted them years back. Broomstick, Coal, Down and Out, and Predator
were some of the descriptive names based on actual findings.

Working the Chapel Basin Escarpment. (Photo
by Gail Staisi)
Some caves were shaped like large hemispheres,
others were merely overhangs. We had our lunch near the caves and then
Dave led us south to find a place to cross the Chapel River. We crossed
on a beaver dam with precarious footing. No one got wet! The ground
was full of seeps and quite mucky after we crossed. We investigated
an old abandoned canoe and supplies that some of the group found mostly
buried last year.
We moved easterly towards the Chapel River. We
skirted the escarpment that led to the bottom of Chapel Falls. It was
around 5 PM when we visited the viewing area at the top of the falls.
We soon headed back into the woods on a bushwhack route.

Chapel Falls. (Photo by Gail Staisil)
Along an old road we saw the fresh tracks of a
vehicle and then the 4WD itself. A woman was sitting in the vehicle
and told some of us that her group had just shot a bear but they were
using another old road to get it out. Although hunting bears is fine
by me given that they were to be used for food, I really didn't really
want to see a dead bear just then. Instead I enjoy seeing them romping
around their natural area.
We found a suitable bivouac spot in the buffer
zone near the river and set up camp. A hoot owl provided entertainment.
A light sprinkle of rain began just as I retired and significant rain
developed during the night.
October 4
In the morning we saw a patch of blue sky in the
otherwise gray sky and it looked like it was going to clear. Although
more rain wasn't predicted our proximity to Lake Superior always changes
things significantly.
By the time we left camp the rain had mostly abated.
We still donned rain gear as we had direct contact with the rain-soaked
vegetation. In addition, an occasional shower would spit through the
trees. After awhile the rain stopped for good.
We again stopped at the viewing deck for Chapel
Falls. A huge classroom of teens from downstate showed up as well as
other dayhikers. Quite frankly I have never seen so many people at Pictured
Rocks at once. There are often more tourists at this time of year because
of the promise of fall color. We hiked along the trail to Chapel Rock.
We played cat and mouse with the school group and I was glad that once
we got to the lakeshore, they had hit their target of Chapel Rock.

Chapel Beach, as viewed from a cave overlooking
it from its western flank. (Photo by Mary Powell)
We took refuge from the wind at the far end of
the beach under the rock overhang so that we could eat our lunch comfortably.
It was still slightly breezy but it was a place to linger. This would
mostly be a trail day as we planned on hiking the lakeshore trail to
the Mosquito River.
We stopped numerous times along the way at the
overlooks. It was new territory for some members of our group but for
most of us we delighted in seeing the picturesque coastline once again.
The fall color was probably at about 30 percent along the cliffs at
the shoreline.

Battleship Row. (Photo by Gail Staisil)
We arrived at the Mosquito River area around 5
PM. We loaded our packs with an additional water supply as we would
be heading well up into a dry area of the buffer zone to camp. Michael
set up his camp and then returned down to the group site at Mosquito
to visit the Solar Club Group for the evening. It is a group he was
affiliated with in the past as a leader.
Most of the rest of us were content to spend a
quiet evening in the woods. I talked with Mary and Mary Ann as the evening
waned. We caught up on each others adventures during a very full summer.
Mary Ann traveled by bicycle with her husband Dave from Sault St Marie,
Ontario, Canada to the west coast of the United States and then headed
into Canada and biked back. Over 100 days of traveling! I don't think
the rest of us were quite that adventurous over the summer. It was certainly
a huge accomplishment and they are still fired up to do another long
bicycle trip next summer.
October 5
The night had been very dark and quiet. I slept
until almost 8 AM. There seemed to be no hurry though as others were
just getting into their morning routines.
Dale led us out through the woods back to the shoreline
where we viewed more lookouts along the way. At Potato Patch we left
the trail for good. Milton took charge and led us on a route up and
down the ravines that are unavoidable in getting to where we wanted
to go. Thankfully with the dry summer they were mostly dry but of course
they're still steep in spots.
After lunch we descended to the Amphitheater Cave
after securing our food by doing bear hangs at the top of the ridge.
Michael rigged a hand line for those who wanted more security in the
descent to the river level.

The Amphitheater. (Photo by Mary Powell)
It was weird to see the falls flowing as most of
my recent visits have been in the winter. There is usually a huge column
of ice where now was a lightly-flowing waterfall.
The waterfall created a pool at the base. We explored
and lingered for close to an hour. When we were nearly ready to leave
we collected our gear at the top of the ridge and headed into the buffer
zone where we camped by a small branch of the Miner's River.
During the evening Dave became interested in experimenting
with his magnesium fire starter. Since we were out of the park and there
was a safe and wet sandy area along the river it was suitable for a
small fire. Dave and Michael gathered the necessary shavings, twigs
and bark. After many attempts the fire was lit. Many of us agreed it
would be hard to do in a survival situation.
The night was great. I fell asleep to the sound
of the flowing water. I slept better than I thought I would on the highly
uneven ground.
October 6
In the morning, we backtracked a bit and descended
once again to the bottom of the cliff. We bushwhacked through the swamp
so that we could get nearer to the Miner's River and Miner's Falls.
We crossed several small branches of the river
and then finally the river itself. Some of the group donned sandals
and others went barefoot for the wade across the river. We regrouped
on the other side and then traveled through the swamp towards the base
of Miner's Falls. Along the way Michael found a snowmobile helmet that
apparently had fallen over the opposite ridge. There must be some story
associated with that!

Miners Falls. (Photo by Dave Goodyear)
We arrived at the base of the falls where most
of us relaxed for awhile. Mary and Michael explored the crevices behind
the falls.

Miners Falls, as viewed from within MinersFalls
Cave. (Photo by Mary Powell)
We retraced our steps a bit and then descended
up to the top of the steep ridge that intersected with the tourist path
(that leads to the viewing deck above the falls).
The trekking part of the trip was concluded. Some
of the group shuttled their vehicles while the rest of us waited in
the sun. Eventually after the second round of shuttles we met at the
Woodland Restaurant in Shingleton where a hearty lunch was consumed.
It had been an enjoyable trip with familiar territory...a time to enjoy
and relax in mostly nice October weather.

The author, Gail Staisil.
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album from this trip
View Mary Powell's photo
album from this trip
View Gail Staisil's photo
album from this trip
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beta page for this adventure on Backpacker Magazine's Midwest Forum
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God's wilderness lies the hope of the world,
the great, fresh, unblighted, unredeemed wilderness.
John Muir (1838-1914),
Alaska Wilderness, 1890
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