AIRCAV--Aviation Survival
This site has the complete text from
the U.S. Army Survival Manual FM-21-76 online.
Lots of detailed info.
Captain Dave's Survival Center and Preparedness
Colorado Firstrax--Winter Survival Aritcles
Equipped to Survive--Outdoors Gear,
Survival Equipment, and Survival Information
Lots of good info.
Frugal Squirrel
Hollowtop Outdoor Primitive School--Earth
Skills, Nature Awareness, and Wilderness Survival
Hoods Woods
The Ranger Digest (04-05-07)
Rocky Mountain Survival Group--A Survival
Information Clearinghouse
Simply Survival--The Art of Adapting
Survival (Army FM 21-76)
Survival Bible 2001 Freeware
The Survival Expert
Thoughts on Being Prepared
Terrorism, Disaster, Emergency Preparedness,
Homesteading, and Survival Resources
Wilderness Survival
Aircrew Survival (AF 64-5),
by the U.S. Department of the Air Force (Paladin Press, 1988)
American Indian Survival Skills,
by W. Ben Hunt (Meredith Press, 1973). This work explains
how American Indians used their hands, wit, and woodcraft
to survive in the bush.
Basic Essentials of Survival,
by James E. Churchill (ICS Books, Inc., 1989)
Book of Survival, by Anthony
Greenbank (Harper and Row, 1967)
Bush Craft, by Mors Kochanski
Bushcraft--A Serious Guide to Survival
and Camping, by Richard Graves (Warner Books, 1978)
Camper's Pocket Handbook--A Backcountry
Traveler's Companion, by John Goll (ICS Books, 1992)
**Camping and Wilderness Survival--The
Ultimate Outdoors Book, by Paul Tawrell (Paul Tawrell,
Cold Weather Survival (Desert
Publications, 1981)
Complete Book of Outdoor Survival,
by J. Wayne Fears (Outdoor Life Books, 1986)
Emergency/Survival Handbook,
by Robert Brown (American Outdoor Safety League, 1979)
Everybody's Knife Bible--Green Berets'
Methods and Knife Mannerisms, by Don Paul (Pathfinder
Publications, 1988)
Expect the Unexpected--How to Prepare
Your Family for Times of Emergency (American Red Cross,
Green Beret's Guide to Outside Survival--Book
Two, by Don Paul (Pathfinder Publications, 1988)
Green Berets' Guide to Outdoor Survival--Book
One, 2nd edition, by Don Paul (Pathfinder Publications,
Handbook for Wilderness Survival,
by Bob Harris (M. Evans and Co., 1996)
How to Stay Alive in the Woods,
by Bradford Angier (Collier Books, 1962)
How to Survive, by Brian
Hildreth (Penguin/Puffin, 1982)
How to Survive on Land and Sea,
4th edition, by Frank C. Craighead, Jr., and John J. Craighead
(Naval Institute Press, 1988)
Making It: Winter Survival,
by John Hitchcock and Charles Fox (Livingston, 1973)
Making the Best of Basics--Family
Preparedness Handbook, by James T. Stevens (Gold Leaf
Press, 1997)
Man Eating Bugs--The Art of Eating
Insects, by Peter Menzel and Faith Daluisio (Ten Speed
Press, 1998)
Modern Outdoor Survival,
by Dwight Schuh (Menasha Ridge Press)
Modern Survival, by Dwight
Schuh (David McKay, 1979)
Never Say Die--A Survival Manual
(Paladin Press, 1979)
**Northern Bush Craft, by
Mors L. Kochanski (Lone Pine Publishing, 1987)
Northern Survival, by Department
of Indian Affairs and Norhtern Development (Fitzhenry &
Whiteside, 1979)
Outdoor Living--Problems, Solutions,
and Guidelines, by Eugene H. Fear (Tacoma Unit o Mountain
Rescue School, 1970)
Outdoor Survival Handbook,
by David Platten (John Wiley, 1983)
Outdoor Survival Handbook--A Guide
to the Resources and Material Available in th Wild and How
to Use Them for Food, Shelter, Warmth, and Navigation,
by Raymond Mears (Saint Martins Press, 1993)
Outdoor Survival Skills,
sixth edition, by Larry Dean Olsen (Brigham Young University,
Outdoors Emergency Manual,
by Anthony Acerrano (Winchester Press, 1976)
OUTsmart Field Guide, by
Ron Dawson (Integrity House Publishing, 1998)
Participating in Nature--Thomas J.
Elpel's Field Guide to Primitive Living Skills, fourth
edition, by Thomas J. Elpel (Hops Press, 1999)
Practical Outdoor Survival--A Modern
Approach, by Len McDougall (Lyons and Burford Publishers,
Primitive Outdoor Skills,
by Richard L. Jamison (Horizon Publishers, 1985)
Primitive Semi-Permanent Shelters,
by John McPherson and Geri McPherson (Prairie Wolf, 1996)
Primitive Wilderness Cooking Methods,
by John McPherson and Geri McPherson (AG Press, 1988)
Primitive Wilderness Living and Survival
Skills, by John McPherson and Geri McPherson (Prairie
Wolf, 1993). An excellent how-to on primitive living.
Primitive Wilderness Skills--Applied
and Advanced, by John McPherson and Geri McPherson
SAC Land Survival Guide Book
(U.S. Air Force)
**SAS Survival Handbook--How to Survive
in the Wild, in Any Climate, on Land or at Sea, by
John Wiseman (Harper Collins Publishers, 1986). Also available
in smaller "Collins Gem Edition" as well as abbreviated
"SAS Survival Flickbook."
Scout--The Australian Guerilla Book
VI, by Ion L. Idriess (Paladin Press, 1982)
Six ways in & twelve ways out:
The survival & evasion manual of the United States Rescue
& Special Operations Group, 2nd edition, by George
W Jasper (U.S. Rescue and Special Operations Group, 2000)
Skills for Taming the
Wilds--A Handbook of Woodcraft Wisdom, by Bradford
Angier (Simon and Schuster, 1973)
Survival (FM 21-76), by U.S.
Department of the Army (U.S. Government Printing Office, 1986)
Survival--A Manual That Could Save
Your Life, by Chris Janowsky and Gretchen Janowsky
(Paladin Press, 1986)
Survival Book, by Paul H.
Nesbitt, Alonzo W. Pond, and William H. Allen (Funk and Wagnalls,
Survival in the Outdoors,
by Byron Dalrymple (Outdoor Life Books, 1972)
Survival--Live Off the Land in the
City and Country, by Ragnar Benson and Devon Christensen
(Citadel Press, 1982)
Surviving the Unexpected Wilderness
Emergency, by Gene Fear (Survival Education Association,
Tom Brown's Field Guide to Living
with the Earth, by Tom Brown, Jr., and Brandt Morgan
(Berkley Books, 1984)
**Tom Brown's Field Guide to Wilderness
Survival, by Tom Brown, Jr., and Brandt Morgan (Berkley
Press, 1987)
Wilderness Survival (Boy
Scouts of America, 1984)
Wilderness Survival, by Bernard
Shanks (Universe Books, 1980)
Wilderness Survival, by Gregory
J. Davenport (Stackpole Books, 1998)
Wilderness Survival, by Tim
Kneeland (Tim Kneeland and Associates, 1984)
Wilderness Survival--A Complete Handbook
and Guide for Survival in the North Amerian Wilds,
by Berndt Berglund (Pagurian Press Limited, 1974)
Wilderness Survival Guide,
by Monty Alford (Alaska Northwest Publishing Co., 1987)
Wilderness Survival Handbook--A Practical
All-Season Guide, Alan Fry (St. Martin's Press, 1981)
Winter-Wise--Travel and Survival
in Snow and Ice, by Monty Alfred (Hertiage House,
The Ranger Digest (04-05-07)