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Upcoming Wilderness Trips and Expeditions
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8 a.m. Friday, December 5, to midafternoon, Monday, December 8, 2008
Level: Intermediate-level, on/off-trail,
map-and-compass, winter camping.
Difficulty: Moderately strenuous
for the fit; cold/foul weather; snowy, wet, slippery terrain.
Prerequisites: Participants must
have prior cold-weather backpacking experience.
Costs: This is a free trip. Transportation,
lodging, meals, public transit, permits, etc., are the responsiblity
of each participant.
Organizer: Michael Neiger
(LandNavMan on the boards), Marquette, Michigan (Web
site; e-mail; bio).
Sign-up process: After reviewing
the material presented below,
e-mail your first name, last
name, trail name, city, state (or province), and e-mail address to
Michael Neiger (LandNavMan).
Chimo (Inuit for welcome) to
fellow alumni
of southeastern Michigan's SOLAR
the School for Outdoor Leadership, Adventure, and Recreation,
and fellow members of the North
Country Trail Association.

The man [woman] with the
knapsack is never lost.
No matter whither he may stray,
his food and shelter are right with him,
and home is wherever he may choose to stop.
Horace Kephart, the Dean
of the Wilderness, Camping & Woodcraft, 1917
There is pleasure in the
pathless woods,
There is a rapture on the lonely shore,
There is society, where none intrudes,
By the deep sea, and music in its roar:
I love not man the less, but Nature more.
Lord Byron (George Noel
Gordon) 1788-1824
Childe Harold's Pilgrimage, canto IV [1818], stanza 178
The Michigan Bush Rats'
December '08, 4-day, on/off-trail, winter backpacking trip will see
them exploring the southwestern corner of the 93,000-acre Pigeon River
Country State Forest, including the 6,300-acre Green Timbers Wilderness
Tract, in the northern Lower Peninsula of Michigan.

This area is traversed by portions of the High County
Pathway and the Shore-to-Shore Trail as well as the Sturgeon and Pigeon

Since this area is home to the majestic Elk, we'll
be keeping an eye out for this elusive animal. In lieu of the real thing,
we'll be watching closely for signs of its passing: ground spoor (tracks,
scrapes, sheds, and bones) and aerial spoor (rubs, hair).
An excerpt from last year's December trip
.......after breakfast at our campsites, we
drove down to Clear Lake State Park, where we would leave most of
our vehicles for the duration of the trip. Cathy was there as were
Josh and Mary Ann, who had driven down from the Canadian Soo. Mike's
car was spotted elsewhere so he could leave on Sunday to get back
to work.

The crew adjusting their layers in the
morning sun. (Photo courtesy of IsleRoyaleGirl's photo album)
Before long, we began our hike, which was
to be a sizeable loop, east of the park, in the Mackinac State Forest.
After crossing M-33 we cut a rough azimuth
to the east, over a ridge, before heading south a bit to pick up one
of the many firebreak trails in the woods. Traveling on this firebreak
would facilitate covering ground since we were getting a relatively
late start.

Steve S. breaks down his outfit for another
day of sledging. (Photo courtesy of NatureLady's photo album)
Though the sky had been overcast at daybreak,
it was now a bright blue with puffy, white, fast-moving clouds. With
the temperature in the high twenties and almost no wind, it was very
pleasant hiking weather.
By lunchtime we had seen an assortment of
tracks--turkey, squirrel, mouse, deer, coyote and elk. We stopped
to eat along one of the trails. When we got moving again, we spotted
an eagle soaring high above the trees.

Mary Ann and IsleRoyaleGirl pause in their
sledge harnesses. (Photo courtesy of NatureLady's photo album)
Steve expressed an interest in the land nav
and Michael set him up to cut an azimuth on point. He did an excellent
job despite having to contend with the thick brush and swamp that
covered the low ground between the ridges.
The final azimuth of the afternoon took us
to what was probably an elk feeding area--a clear field decorated
with the dried remains of summer flowers
alien invaders actually:
spotted knapweed and the tall spikes of mullein.

Mary Ann and Josh M. survey three coyote-gnawed
deer carcasses they discovered in the bush. (Photo courtesy of NatureLady's
photo album)
The field was bordered with a young mixed
forest--aspens, beeches, and maples with a scattering of birch and
evergreens. We found a sheltered area along the north edge and began
to set up camp.
When completed, our little village had an
assortment of shelters--Mike's Snow Cave, Steve's heated tent, Josh's
pyramid shelter, and several, variously-erected tarps.

Looks like another fine day in the bush.
(Photo courtesy of NCThiker's photo album)
We settled in to enjoy our view of the field
as we prepared dinner and relaxed for the evening.......read
more of NatureLady's photo-journal.
View journals from prior Michigan Bush Rats'
December Backpacking Trips
:: 2006a
:: 2006b
:: 2005
:: 2004
:: 2003a
:: 2003b
:: 2002
:: 2001
View photo albums from prior Michigan Bush Rats'
December Backpacking Trips
:: 2007b
:: 2007c
:: 2006a
:: 2006b
:: 2006c
:: 2005
:: 2004
:: 2003a
:: 2003b
:: 2002
This free, moderately-strenuous, map-and-compass,
on/off-trail winter-backpacking trip is suitable for the adventurous,
intermediate-level, independent, fully-equipped, 10-degree, foul-weather,
substance-free (tobacco, alcohol, illicit drugs), swimming-proficient,
adult, winter backpacker with a strong mind and body who enjoys exploring
off-the-beaten-path wilderness and bivouacking in remote, non-campground
Since our area of operation will likely be snowfree,
and we will be bivouacking in pristine, highly-combustible, non-campground
settings, we will not be having any campfires (or using any twig-burning-type
hobo stoves) except in an emergency. Everyone should be equipped with
the necessary insulating layersleg, torso, and headto stay
warm and stave off hypothermia at rest, especially at lunch when it
is cold, rainy, and windy. Everyone should be carrying a lightweight
backpacking stove for heating water and cooking their rations.
I shall be telling this with a
somewhere ages and ages hence;
two roads diverged in a wood,
and II took the one less traveled by,
and that has made all the difference.
Robert Frost (1874-1963), The
Road Not Taken, 1916, stanza 4
One Thursday-night bivouac option is the Green
Timbers Wilderness Tract parking lot situated along the north side
of the Sturgeon Valley Road, just west of the bridge over the Sturgeon
Our 8:00 am Friday morning assembly location will
be the Green Timbers Wilderness Tract parking lot situated along the
north side of the Sturgeon Valley Road, just west of the bridge over
the Sturgeon River. This parking lot is located in Section 21 (Township
32 North, Range 2 West), about 6 or so miles east of the Vanderbilt
Exit No. 290 on I-75. The parking lot's approximate UTM coordinates
are 0691540mE 5001900mN, Zone 16, Datum NAD 27.
There will be no means of contact.
After signing waiver forms, we'll depart to spot
our vehicles about 9:00 AM.
Upper Peninsula
of Michigan travel information
travel information
Sault Ste.
Marie, Ontario-area travel information
of Ontario travel information
travel information
For brick and mortar breed filth
and crime,
With a pulse of evil that throbs and beats;
And men [women] are withered before their prime
By the curse paved in with the lanes and streets.
And lungs are poisoned and shoulders
In the smothering reek of mill and mine;
And death stalks in on the struggling crowd
But he [she] shuns the shadow of oak and pine.
Nessmuk (George W. Sears), Woodcraft,
In addition to exploring the Green Timbers Wilderness
Tract and Sturgeon River Wateshed, we'll also trek eastward, into the
Pigeon River Watershed.
If all goes well, we should arrive at our vehicles
about mid-afternoon on Monday.
Additional itinerary info may be posted at a later
Two roads diverged in a yellow
And sorry I could not travel both
And be one traveler, long I stood
And looked down one as far as I could
To where it bent in the undergrowth;
Then took the other, as just as fair,
And having perhaps the better claim
Because it was grassy and wanted wear;
Though as for that, the passing there
Had worn them really about the same,
And both that morning equally lay
In leaves no step had trodden black.
Oh, I marked the first for another day!
Yet knowing how way leads on to way
I doubted if I should ever come back.
I shall be telling this with a sigh
Somewhere ages and ages hence:
Two roads diverged in a wood, and I,
I took the one less traveled by,
And that has made all the difference.
Robert Frost (1874-1963), The
Road Not Taken, 1916
The 93,000-acre Pigeon River Country State Forest
consists of seven campgrounds, over 90 miles of hiking trails, 27
miles of horse-riding trails, numerous limestone sinkhole lakes, and
several rivers.
After heavy logging between 1860 and 1910, the
area suffered disastrous, uncontrolled fires for years. Fires burned
significant acreage as late as the 1930's. Unsuccessful attempts
to convert the land to farms resulted in large parts of the area
reverting to State of Michigan ownership through either tax reversion
or purchase. In 1919, the area was designated a state forest and
tree planting began soon thereafter. Planting and forest recreation
development expanded with the establishment of a Civilian Conservation
Corps Camp in the region. The headquarters buildings along the Pigeon
River were built between 1934 and 1935.
Seven elk released in 1918 increased to as many
as 500 by 1927. Illegal shooting of elk in 1974 resulted in a record-high
loss of 45 animals. By 1975, the herd was estimated to number only
200 animals. The herd eventually recovered and now exceeds 1,100
animals, making it the largest wild elk herd east of the Mississippi
River. To control crop damage and allow forest regeneration, limited
harvests of the elk are scheduled from time to time. In addition
to elk, the region is inhabited by deer, bear, bobcat, coyote, grouse,
woodcock, snowshoe hare, squirrels (gray, black, and fox), pine
martin, beaver, otter, muskrat, waterfowl, and numerous songbirds.
After the discovery of gas and oil deposits
under the south-central portion of the region in the 1970's, commercial
exploration and development began. By 1984, nearly 857,000 barrels
of oil and 9,200,000 million cubic feet of gas were being removed
from the area annually.
(Contains material adapted from the Pigeon
River Country State Forest brochure, courtesy of the Michigan
Department of Natural Resources)
Scenic vistas, prime wildlife habitat and over
ten miles of Sturgeon River frontage dominate this 6,300-acre tract.
Adopted as part of the Pigeon River Country State Forest in 1982,
Green Timbers is closed to all motor vehicles, including snowmobiles.
Green Timbers, so named in 1942 by Don McLouth
of McLouth Steel, was developed and used as a hunting and fishing
resort. Prior to McLouth ownership, the southeast portion was used
as a recreational retreat by Titus Glen Phillips, while the north
portion was owned by Cornwall Lumber Company. The land was extensively
logged, burned, and then grazed by both sheep and cattle prior to
the 1950's when McLouth purchased the property. The logging, fires,
and heavy grazing are still evident to the observant eye.
About 55 percent of Green Timbers is covered
with a mixture of aspen, oak, northern hardwood, swamp conifers,
red pine, and white pine. The remaining 45 percent consists of open
grasslands and scattered pine stumps or open grown hardwoods.
Green Timbers has been an important area for
elk since the successful reintroduction of the species in 1918.
The original release site is just 1.5 miles north of the property.
Large open expanses of grassland as well as annual seeding of rye,
buckwheat, clover, and alfalfa by the Wildlife Division of the Michigan
Department of Natural Resources provide prime habitat for elk. Swampland
(lowland forest), aspen, and hardwoods offer habitat for rugged
grouse, turkey, bear, white-tailed deer, woodcock, snowshoe hare,
and a variety of other wildlife species. The Sturgeon Valley watershed,
including the Sturgeon River, Club Stream, and Pickerel Creek, contains
healthy populations of brook, brown, and rainbow trout.
The Green Timbers Tract includes two, hike-in
log cabins that are open to the public on a first-come, first-served
basis. The one-story Honeymoon Cabin overlooks the Sturgeon River
Valley from high atop its east escarpment in Section 10. Its west-facing
porch--which is highly exposed to west winds--offers magnificent
views of the valley below. It is heated by a massive, fieldstone
fireplace. The Green Timbers Cabin is situated at the bottom of
the Sturgeon River Valley along the east bank of the Sturgeon River,
just north of the confluence of Pickerel Creek and the Sturgeon,
in Section 10. It too is heated by a massive, fieldstone fireplace.
(Contains material adapted from the Green
Timbers: A Part of the Pigeon River Country State Forest brochure,
courtesy of the Michigan Department of Natural Resources)
Additional Resources
- Pigeon
River State Forest Headquarters, DNR: 1-989-983-4101
- Indian
River Chamber of Commerce (elk viewing maps and tips), 1-800-EXIT-310
- Gaylord
Area Convention and Tourism Bureau,1-800-345-8621
- Field Guide to the High
Country Pathway, 1997, booklet with topo maps keyed to text,
by the Pigeon River
Country Association, P.O. Box 122, Gaylord, Michigan 49734-0122
($5, 24 pages).
- High Country Pathway
& Pigeon River Country State Forest Map, 2007, by the
Pigeon River Country
Association, P.O. Box 122, Gaylord, Michigan 49734-0122 ($7.50,
waterproof map).
- High Country Pathway
Map , 1990 map with text, Michigan Department of Natural Resources,
Information Services Center, P.O. Box 30028, Lansing, Michigan 48909.
- Green Timbers Map,
1993 map with text, Michigan Department of Natural Resources, Information
Services Center, P.O. Box 30028, Lansing, Michigan 48909.
- Hiking Michigan book,
by Mike Modrzynski (Falcon Press, 1996).
- Backpacking in Michigan
book , second edition, by Pat Allen and Gerald L. DeRuiter
(University of Michigan Press, 1989).
- "Hiking with the Herd,"
by James Campbell, in Backpacker Magazine, Oct '00, page 97.
- The Pigeon River Country--A
Michigan Forest book, by Dale Clarke Franz, et al.,
by the Pigeon River Country Association, P.O. Box 122, Gaylord, Michigan
49735 (300 pages; history of gas exploration and preservation efforts).
- Pigeon River Country
State Forest Map, 1985 map with text, Michigan Department
of Natural Resources, Information Services Center, P.O. Box 30028,
Lansing, Michigan 48909.
- Natural Michigan: A Guide
to 165 Michigan Natural Attractions, by Tom Powers (1987)
- Wikipedia
on the Mackinac State Forest
- Search destination in Google's
search engine
- Since we will be bivouacking
on State-owned land during our trip, we will need to post free Camp
Registration Cards (see below).
- Pre- or post-trip lodging,
meals, and campsite fees are optional and the responsibility of the
- There are no other fees
or costs to participate in this trip.
Anyone bivouacking on land owned by the State
of Michigan outside the boundaries of state parks, state forest
campgrounds, etc., is required by state law (Natural Resource and
Environmental Protection Act, Sec. 74201 et seq., P.A. 451 of 1994)
to post a Camp
Registration Card (Form no. PR 4134; view
sample copy) at their bivouac site. Notice: Backpackers have
been ticketed and fined for not posting Camp Registration Cards
in the past.
This permitwhich is freemust be filled
out in pencil (to make it legible when wet). Since this two-part
permit is perforated (for partial removal by Department of Natural
Resources officers) and made of heavy cardstock (to withstand weathering),
it can not be reproduced.
These 8.5- by 11-inch permits can be picked up
free at any Michigan Department of Natural Resources (DNR) office.
They can also be ordered by the DNR by e-mail.
No permits are generally required to bivouac
on federal land outside the boundaries of national parks, national
lakeshores, national forest campgrounds, national recreation areas,
Anyone bivouacking on Crown landproperty
owned by the Province of Ontariooutside the boundaries of
a provincial park, national park, etc. is required by provincial
law to purchase http://www.mnr.gov.on.ca/fishing/crownland.htmlCrown
Land Camping Permits.
These permits cost $10.00 Canadian per night,
per person and are generally available from any Ontario sports shop
that sells hunting and fishing licenses, such as the one below,
which is conveniently located along the east side of Highway 17
on the northern outskirts of Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario.
Trading Post
1332 Great Northern Road
Sault Ste. Marie, Ontario P6A 5K7
Fax: 1-705-759-0887
The trail has taught me much.
I know now the varied voices of the coyotethe wizard of the mesa.
I know the solemn call of herons and the mocking cry of the loon.
I remember a hundred lovely lakes,
and recall the fragrant breath of pine and fir and cedar and poplar trees.
The trail has strung upon it, as upon a thread of silk,
opalescent dawns and saffron sunsets.
It has given me blessed release from care and worry
and the troubled thinking of our modern day.
It has been a return to the primitive and the peaceful.
Whenever the pressure of our complex city life
thins my blood and benumbs my brain,
I seek relief in the trail;
and when I hear a coyote wailing to the yellow dawn,
my cares fall from meI am happy.
Hamlin Garland, "Hitting
the Trail," McClure's, February 1899
- Breakfasts3 (4
if bivouacking Thursday night)
- Snacks4
- Lunches4
- Dinners3
- Backup rations1
full day(s) (breakfast, snack, lunch, dinner)
Measure, weigh, and triple check your rations.
You should be carrying about 1.75-2.75 pounds of dry weight food,
or about 2700-4500 calories of food per day, depending on your body
weight and exertion level. It is recommended that you avoid "bulk"
packaging and instead consider packing each complete meal serving
in its own, separate, plastic bag, which is sealed with a simple overhand
knot. This system has the following advantages over putting all of
your snacks, say nuts for the whole trip, in one bag:
- You'll know for sure at
home (visually) that you've packed enough rations;
- In the bush, you'll now exactly
how much to eat without eating into another days rations; and
- You'll further reduce the
chances of your food getting ruined if moisture penetrates the food
bag itself as the moisture will still have to work its way into
each and every individual ration unit.
Meticulous ration planning, measuring, and
packaging is tedious, but its essential for safe and successful long-range
recon of remote wilderness.
A nature lover is someone who,
when treed by a bear,
enjoys the view.
Author unknown
We must be extremely careful with our cooking stoves
and when burning bug coils to make sure we don't start a ground fire,
which has happened more than once on past trips of ours. Please bring
a fire-proof stove base (aluminum pot lid, etc.) for your stove and
bug coils.
During snow-free periods, we will NOT be having
any campfiresor burning any hobo stovesunless we find
a very, very safe area, such as an open mud-gravel-or-sand-covered
area immediately adjacent to water. If a fire ban is in effect, which
is sometimes the case during the summer, we will not have any fires.
To prevent accidental ground fires during snow-free
periods, everyone must have a heat-resistant, fire-proof stove base.
This has been a problem in the past with both solid fuel (Esbit) stoves
as well as liquid fuel stoves, especially MSR-type stoves.
If the weather is very hot, come prepared to do
battle with swarms of mosquitoes, black flies, no-see-ums, ticks,
and biting beach flies while hiking, swimming, eating, and bivouacking.
Loose-fitting, tightly-woven, full-coverage, light-colored
clothing treated (saturated) with permethrin (e.g.: Repel's Permanone
Clothing and Gear Insect Repellent) before the trip combined with
liberal doses of 100% DEET (e.g.:Muskol's Maximum Strength 10-hour
100% DEET Insect Repellent; Repel's 100% DEET Insect Repellent), a
head net, and a love of the outdoors should do the trick.
Since they are so critical to one's sanity, bring
an extra bottle of DEET and an extra headnet. If you are going to
experiment with alternatives to DEET, pack some 100% DEET anyway as
most experienced deep-bush travelers swear by it when all is said
and done, especially most Bush Rats, who bivouac sans tent.
A supply of smudge-creating bug coils (e.g.: Pic
Mosquito Coils) are also a staple of most deep-bush travelers (note:
a flat, fireproof base must be used under these to prevent accidental
Out of 8 billion applications of
DEET from 1966 to 1999,
less than 40 instances of toxicity appeared in the medical literature.
Dr. Mark Fradin, in the May 2000
issue of Backpacker Magazine, on his study of DEET
It is highly recommended that some form of eye
protectionsafety glassesbe worn while bushwhacking as
several trippers have suffered near-incapacitating eye injuries on
past trips.
This is a tour, not a basecamp-type trip. We will
move everyday, bivouacking in a different location each night.
We do not go to the green woods
and crystal waters to rough it,
we go to smooth it.
We get it rough enough at home,
in towns and cities.
Nessmuk, (George W. Sears),
Woodcraft, 1963
Reduce the threat of thefts or vandalism to your
car by keeping it locked, relatively empty, and uninviting looking.
To help stymie gasoline theft or vandalism, consider using a locking
gas cap. The expense of a locking gas cap$10 or $20will
look pretty cheap compared to the alternatives: having to get someone
to haul gas to your remote location, much less have your car towed
and repaired after vandals contaminate your gas tank.
All persons participating in a Bush Rats trip or
expedition organized by Michael Neiger must read, acknowledge understanding,
and sign a liability waiver at the trailhead.
No high-cotton-content clothingsave a bandana
or twois allowed to be worn or carried for safety reasons. When
wet, cotton is VERY hard to dry and often leads to hypothermia. Wool
or synthetic clothing fashioned from nylon, supplex, polypro, fleece,
or microfibers are much safer and easier to manage during prolonged
bouts of foul weather.
There's no such thing as bad weather
only wrong clothes.
Author unknown
An on-your-person, in-pocket, survival kit (knife,
waterproof matches, firestarters, compass, and whistle) secured with
a loss-prevention lanyard is highly recommended.
The beginning of wisdom is a salutary
Arnold Toynbee
Bring an adequate amount of water to the trailhead
as there is generally no water available.
Everyone should have the containers (Nalgenes and
bladder) to hump 4 quarts of water when needed. While we often trek
with just a quart or so of water in our rucks, when we range far from
waterlike when we bivouac long distances from surface waterwe
will fill up all our containers so we can remain independent for an
afternoon of bushwhacking, dinner at night, breakfast, and a morning
of bushwhacking.
To keep your gear dry during foul weather, consider
lining the main compartment in your rucksack with a huge, heavy-duty
"contractor-grade" plastic bag. Critical items within the
"contractor" bag, such as clothing, sleeping bag, and rations,
should be further protected from moisture by lining their respective
stuff sacks with heavy-duty "garbage-compactor" bags. Avoid
using regular garbage bags as they tear much too easily on long, rugged
It is recommended that you carry a water bottle
and snacks on your waistbelt in separate pouches so you can snack
and sip water while underway, without stopping to take your pack off.
Regular snacking and hydration are essential for avoiding dehydration,
hypothermia, and exhaustion, especially when things get challenging,
like late in the day or during foul weather.
If you are allergic to bee stings, consult your
physician about carrying an injectable epinephrine unitsuch
as an EpiPen or Ana-Kitin your rucksack.
Canadian money: You may want to consider
getting Canadian money from your local bank before the trip, or using
one of the money exchange services located in Sault Ste. Marie, Canada,
if they are open when you cross the boarder. Currency exchange calculators
on the Net include XE.com or
Gasoline: You may want to consider
topping off your gas tank, before you cross the border, in Sault Ste.
Marie, Michigan
Identification: Bring appropriate
identification with you to reduce problems getting into Canada as
well as back into the United States. If you don't have a visa, you
must have a copy of your birth certificate to establish your identity.
Prescription medications: If you
are carrying prescription medications in your first-aid kit or elsewhere
that are not in a properly-labeled container, it may be a good idea
to stow the original, labeled containers, with at least one example
pill in each, in your vehicle to reduce problems with Canadian and
U.S. customs officials.
The tendency nowadays to wander in wilderness
is delightful to see.
Thousands of tired, nerve-shaken, over-civilized people
are beginning to find out that going to the mountains is going home;
that wildness is a necessity;
and that mountain parks and reservations
are useful not only as fountains of timber and irrigating rivers,
but as fountains of life.
John Muir (1838-1914), Our
National Parks, 1901
Wilderness tripping and expeditioningespecially
remote, foul-weather travel, bushwhacking cross-country, cliff and steep
slope travel, climbing, canyoneering, cave exploration, river fording,
swimming, canoeing, portaging, skiing, snowshoeing, winter camping,
ice travel, ice crossing, deep cold, high winds, etc.involve unknown
and unpredictable hazards and perils.
A wilderness tripper's or expeditioner's failure
to physically and mentally prepare for a harsh trip or expedition;
acquire the necessary skills and equipment for a harsh trip or expedition;
and recognize, take responsibility for, and avoid the unknown and
unpredictable hazards and perils that often present themselves on
a harsh wilderness trip or expedition will likely result in the serious
injury, paralysis, or slow, painful death of the tripper or expeditioner.
Nature never overlooks a mistake,
or makes the smallest allowance for ignorance.
Thomas H. Huxley (1825-1895),
A Liberal Education, 1868
On Bush Rats trips and expeditions organized by
Michael Neiger, the only first-aid equipment available is that which
is carried by each participant. Each participant should carry their
own first-aid kit, which should be stocked with the items and medications
recommended by their personal physician.
We need the tonic of wilderness.
. .
We can never have enough of nature.
Henry D. Thoreau (1817-1862),
Walden: Spring, 1854
On Bush Rats trips and expeditions organized by
Michael Neiger, there are no doctors, nurses, EMTs, paramedics, or
other trained emergency medical personnel. At best, other participants
may only be able to render the most basic of first-aid care.
On Bush Rats trips and expeditions organized by
Michael Neiger, no one is trained in rope handling, rappelling, climbing,
caving, ice travel, high-angle slope travel, swift-water travel, etc.
No one is trained in rescue from any of these activities either. There
are no search-and-rescue personnel, and no one is trained in high-angle
rescue, ice rescue, swift-water rescue, etc.
nature there are neither rewards nor punishments
there are consequences.
Robert Green Ingersoll
American lawyer, orator, and civil war cavalry commander
Some Reasons Why, 1896
On Bush Rats trips and expeditions organized by
Michael Neiger, no insurance coverage is provided for participants.
It is recommended that participants consider purchasing their own
insurance coverage
such as:
- Trip cancellation insurance
- Dental insurance
- Medical insurance
- Prescription insurance
- Evacuation insurance
- Disability insurance
- Life insurance
Early and provident fear is the
mother of safety.
Edmund Burke (1729-1797), Speech,
On Bush Rats trips and expeditions organized by
Michael Neiger, emergency communications gear such as cell phones,
satellite phones, and satellite beacons (ELTs, PLBs, & EPIRBs)
are not provided. Even if a participant carries SAR-comm gear, it
can't always be relied upon, especially in rugged terrain, remote
bush, or extremely harsh weather.
The only way to summon search and rescue personal
or emergency medical personnel on Bush Rats trips or expeditions organized
by Michael Neiger is for another uninjured participant to walk, snowshoe,
or paddle to a point where help can be summoned.
The wait for assistance may be very longsometimes
measured in daysand could possibly be very painful, maybe even
fatal. Since the evacuation process will be very difficult and costly
to arrange, participants should consider purchasing evacuation insurance
and carrying their own communications
me tell you the secret that has led me to my goal.
My strength lies solely in my tenacity.
Louis Pasteur (1822-1895), French biologist & bacteriologist.
[ ] Waterproof matches
with loss-prevention lanyard
[ ] Waterproof firestarters with loss-prevention lanyard
[ ] Magnesium firestarter with loss-prevention lanyard
[ ] Sturdy pocket knife with loss-prevention lanyard
[ ] Compass with loss-prevention lanyard
[ ] Whistle with loss-prevention lanyard
[ ] Signal mirror with loss-prevention lanyard
[ ] Map of area in plastic bag
[ ] Elastic ankle wrap
[ ] Moleskin
[ ] Vaseline
[ ] Band-Aids
[ ] Waterproof first-aid tape
[ ] Pain relief medication
[ ] Anti-inflammatory medication
[ ] Cold & flu medications
[ ] Small tweezers
[ ] Small scissors
[ ] Powerful, prescription-grade pain killers for long trips (see
your Doc)
[ ] Broad-spectrum antibiotic for long trips (see your Doc)
[ ] 50 feet of 1/8-inch
braided nylon cordage (lashing, repair, difficult [2-rope] bear hangs)
[ ] Small roll of duct tape
[ ] Sewing kit
[ ] 1 very thin balaclava
[ ] 2 thick hats that can be worn together
[ ] 1 pair of sun glasses
[ ] Protective eyewear for bushwhacking (very important)
[ ] Prescription glasses (spare pair if important)
[ ] Bandana
[ ] Wide-brimmed sun/rain hat
[ ] 3 or 4 thin polypro
[ ] 1 thin breathable nylon windshirt
[ ] 2 1/4-inch thick micro-fiber-insulated or fleece jackets
[ ] 1 hooded, synthetic-insulated parka in (early spring, late fall)
[ ] 1 nylon rain parka (no vinyl; no ponchos)
[ ] 1 pair of mitten
shells (early spring, late fall)
[ ] 2 pair of mitten liners (early spring, late fall)
[ ] 1 pair of polypro
[ ] 1 or 2 pair of polypro long underwear
[ ] 1 pair of thin nylon hiking/wind pants with zip-off legs
[ ] 1 pair of 1/4-inch thick micro-fiber-insulated or fleece pants
(sidezips are very handy)
[ ] 1 pair of heavy synthetic-insulated overpants with sidezips (early
spring, late fall)
[ ] 1 pair of nylon rain pants (no vinyl)
[ ] 1 pair of sturdy
boots (insulated in early spring, late fall)
[ ] 3 pair of thick synthetic or wool socks
[ ] 1 or 2 pair of liner socks
[ ] 1 pair of gaiters (to seal boot-pantleg opening against mud and
[ ] River-fording footwear
[ ] 1 large rucksack
lined with contractor-grade plastic bag
[ ] Full-coverage raincover
[ ] Waist-belt water bottle parka
[ ] Waist-belt snack pouch
[ ] Waist-belt map pouch
[ ] Tarp and bivy (or
small, light tent)
[ ] Stakes and ropes to rig tent or tarp
[ ] Sleeping bag with appropriate rating
[ ] Sleeping pad (& repair kit if needed)
[ ] Sleeping booties (early spring, late fall)
[ ] Flashlight (LED with headstrap is recommended)
[ ] Spare battery
[ ] Candle(s)
[ ] 2 one-quart durable
(Nalgene) water bottles
[ ] 1 two-quart water bladder
[ ] Water purification system (pump, iodine tablets, etc.)
[ ] 1 spare bottle of iodine tablets (even if carrying a pump)
[ ] Lightweight backpacking
stove (repair kit for liquid-fuel stoves)
[ ] Fuel for stove (five to six Esbit fuel tabs per day for NATO-type
[ ] Lighter on loss prevention lanyard
[ ] Windscreen for stove
[ ] Fireproof base for stove
[ ] Pot holder
[ ] Pot
[ ] Lid for pot
[ ] Spoon
[ ] Mug
[ ] 50-foot food-hanging rope (use cheap, hard, 1/8-inch-diameter,
slippery poly-rope for heavy loads)
[ ] 1 bottle of 100%
DEET per week
[ ] 1 spare bottle of 100% DEET
[ ] 1 headnet
[ ] 1 spare headnet
[ ] Several anti-bug smudge coils
[ ] Personal medications
[ ] Driver's license
[ ] Birth certificate and/or passport (recommended for Canadian trips)
[ ] Emergency contact names and phone numbers
[ ] Credit cards
[ ] Cash and travelers checks
[ ] Medical, prescription, and dental insurance cards
[ ] Sunscreen
[ ] Lipbalm with sunblock
[ ] Wrist chronograph
[ ] Paperback book
[ ] Toilet paper
[ ] Synthetic pack towel
[ ] Toothbrush
[ ] Toothpowder (or toothpaste)
[ ] Toothpicks & dental floss
[ ] Handcleaner
[ ] Extra car key on
[ ] Vehicle registration papers
[ ] Vehicle insurance papers
[ ] Locking gas cap
[ ] Heavy-duty battery in good condition
[ ] Road map (Michigan 1-800-292-2520; Canada 1-800-268-3736)
[ ] County map book for Michigan trips
[ ] Spare tire (check pressure!!)
[ ] Tire jack and lug nut wrench
[ ] Shovel
[ ] Windshield scraper and snow brush (winter)
[ ] Safety CheckTire pressure (including spare)
[ ] Safety CheckTire tread wear
[ ] Safety CheckWiper blade condition
[ ] Safety CheckWiper fluid (front and rear)
[ ] Safety CheckOil level (level; thinner in winter)
[ ] Safety CheckRadiator fluid level (level and rating)
[ ] Safety CheckTransmission fluid level
[ ] Safety CheckHeadlights, taillights, brakelights, & turn
[ ] Jumper cables
[ ] Nylon tow strap
[ ] Single-bit axe (optional)
[ ] Bow saw (optional)
[ ] Hi-lift bumper jack (optional)
[ ] Hand-operated winch (optional)
[ ] Pick axe (optional)
[ ] Tire inflation system (optional)
[ ] Battery jump-pack power unit(optional)
It is one of the blessings of wilderness
that it shows us how few things we need
in order to be perfectly happy.
Horace Kephart, the Dean of the
Wilderness, Camping & Woodcraft, 1917
- 1:24,000 Hardwood Lake, Michigan
- 1:24,000 Green Timbers, Michigan
Note: UTM easting and northing grid lines may or
may not need to be drawn on these quads
Topo map ordering
info and waterproofing
County map ordering
- Pigeon River Country State Forest,
1985 (free, 8.5 by 11), Pigeon
River State Forest Headquarters, 1-989-983-4101
- Pigeon River Country State Forest
Access Map, 1994, (free, 17 by 22), Pigeon
River State Forest Headquarters, 1-989-983-4101
- Shingle Mill Pathway Map,
1992, (free, 8.5 by 11), Pigeon
River State Forest Headquarters, 1-989-983-4101
- Green Timbers Map, 1993 (free,
8.5 by 11), Pigeon River State
Forest Headquarters, 1-989-983-4101
- High Country Pathway Map (free,
8.5 by 11), Pigeon River State
Forest Headquarters, 1-989-983-4101
- Field Guide to the High Country Pathway
($5, 24 pages), Pigeon
River Country Association, P.O. Box 122, Gaylord, Michigan 49735, (May
be available from the Indian River
Chamber of Commerce at 1-800-EXIT-310)
- Clear Lake--Jackson Lake Hiking Trail
(free, 8.5 by 11), Pigeon
River State Forest Headquarters, 1-989-983-4101
- Sinkhole Area Map, 1990, (free,
8.5 by 11), Pigeon River
State Forest Headquarters, 1-989-983-4101
- Sinkhole Pathway Map,
1990, (free, 8.5 by 11), Pigeon
River State Forest Headquarters, 1-989-983-4101
- Elk Viewing Map, Indian
River Chamber of Commerce, 1-800-EXIT-310
1000-meter Universal Transverse Mercator (UTM)
Michigan Trips:
1927 North American Datum CONtinental U.S.
Canadian Trips:
1927 North American Datum Canada (NAD 27 CA[nada])
for older edition maps; 1983 North American Datum (NAD 83) for
newer edition maps
Zone 16
Northern hemisphere
Use lithium for deep cold and long-range use
Select type of battery being used for accurate
battery-life readings
In the setup menu, key-punch in your name, address,
and phone number so if your GPS is lost and found by a willing party,
it can be returned to you.
06° 51' west
01° 44' east
8° 35' west (we'll
use this magnetic declination figures to correct our field and map
azimuth calculations in the bush)
1:24,000 and 1:25,000
1:20,000 and 1:50,000
Metric: Nine 100-meter beads and four 1-kilometer
I cant rightly say Ive
ever been lost,
but Ive been mighty perplexed for two or three days runnin'.
Davy Crockett (1786-1836)
To keep up to date on the latest developments on
this trip as well as learn who else is going, point your Internet browser
to the trip's discussion
thread (message board) on Backpacker Magazine's Midwest Forum Web
I believe that there is a subtle
magnetism in Nature,
which, if we unconsciously yield to it, will direct us aright.
Henry David Thoreau (1817-1862),
"Walking," Atlantic Monthly, June 1862
To review journals and photo albums from Michigan
Bush Rats' trips and expeditions, visit the RuckSack's Journals
and Photos Page.
To review photos of sheds discovered on Michigan
Bush Rats' trips and expeditions, visit the RuckSack's Sheds
and Skulls Page.
Years from now
you will be more disappointed by the things you did not do
rather than the ones you did do.
So throw off your bow lines,
Sail away from the safe harbor.
Catch the trade winds in your sails.
Mark Twain (Samuel L. Clemens,
- Cheboygan County Sheriff: Cheboygan,
- Presque Isle County Sheriff:
Rogers City, 1-517-734-2156
- Otsego County Sheriff: Gaylord,
- Montmorency County Sheriff: Atlanta,
- Michigan State Police: Cheboygan,
- Michigan State Police: Alpena,
- Michigan State Police: Gaylord,
- Hospital: Cheboygan, 1-231-627-4339
- Hospital: Rogers City, 1-517-734-2151
- Hospital: Gaylord, 1-517-731-2100
- Hospital: Alpena, 1-517-356-7252
Everybody needs beauty as well
as bread
places to play in and pray in,
where nature may heal
and give strength to body and soul alike.
John Muir (1838-1914), The
Yosemite, 1912
In every walk with nature,
one receives far more than he seeks.
As you sit on the hillside,
or lie prone under the trees of the forest,
or sprawl wet-legged by a mountain stream,
the great door, that does not look like a door, opens.
Stephen Graham, The Gentle
Art of Tramping, 1926
It is impossible to overestimate
the value of wild mountains and mountain temples
as places for people to grow in,
recreation grounds for soul and body.
John Muir (1838-1914)
In the school of the woods there
is no graduation day.
Horace Kephart, the Dean of
the Wilderness, Camping & Woodcraft, 1917
If this sounds like your kind of wilderness adventure,
kindly e-mail your first name,
last name, trail name, e-mail address, city, and state (or province)
to LandNavMan (Michael Neiger) of Marquette, Michigan. Thank you.
See you in the bush.

God's wilderness lies the hope of the world,
the great, fresh, unblighted, unredeemed wilderness.
John Muir (1838-1914),
Alaska Wilderness, 1890
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