Basic Cold Weather Manual (Army FM 31-70)
Bill's Winter Camping Page
Building an Igloo
Cold Weather Camping
Cold Weather Sleeping Bags
Colorado Firstrax
Gorp--Winter Camping
How to Build a Snow Cave
Prevention, Recognition, and Treatment
Igloo Tool
NOLS: Cold Injuries
** Outdoor Action Guide to Winter Camping
by Rick Curtis
An excellent source for information about
winter camping,
snow shelters, equipment, hypothermia, etc.
Tips for Building a Single-Pole Skiing
by Tim Kelley
Snow Camping Primer
Winter Camping
Winter Camping and Hypothermia
Winter Camping Manual
Advanced Camping Techniques,
by James Johnson (David McKay Co., 1967)
** Allen and Mike's Really Cool Backcountry
Ski Book--Traveling and Camping Skills for a Winter Environment,
by Allen O'Bannon (Chockstone Press, 1996)
Appalachian Mountain Club (AMC) Guide
to Winter Camping--Wilderness Travel and Adventure in the
Cold-Weather Months, by Stephen Gorman (Appalachian
Mountain Club, 1991)
Arctic Manual, by Vilhjalmur
Stefansson (Greenwood Press, 1974)
Backcountry Ski Camping,
by Alan Bragg (Contemporary, 1978)
Basic Cold Weather Manual (Army FM
Basic Essentials of Hypothermia,
by William Forgery (ICS Books, 1991)
Camping Alone in Winter,
by Anthony Piccione (Slow Loris Press, 1976)
Camping Year Round--A Guide to
Equipment and Technique, by Jeffrey Bairstow (Random,
Canadian Scout Handbook (Boy
Scouts of Canada)
** Cold Comfort--Keeping Warm in
the Outdoors, by Glenn Randall (Nick Lyons Books,
1987). Now known as the Outward Bound Guide to Staying
Warm in the Outdoors Handbook.
Cold Weather Camping, by
Ray Stebbins (Contemporary Books, 1979)
Cold Weather Catalog, by
Robert Levine and Nancy Bruning (Tree Communications, 1977)
Cold Weather Survival (Desert
Publications, 1981)
Comfort Below Freezing, by
Robert McQuilkin (Anderson World, 1980)
Complete Snow Camper's Guide,
by Raymond Bridge (Charles Scribner's Sons, 1973)
Complete Winter Sports Safety Manual--Staying
Safe and Warm While Snowshoeing, Skiing, Snowboarding, Snowmobiling,
and Camping, by Bery Kreissman (Bear Claw Press, 1997)
Concise Book of Winter Camping,
by Terry Brown and Rob Hunter (Vanguard, 1978)
Don't Get Snowed, by Michael
Riley (Great Lakes Living Press, 1977)
Fieldbook (Boy Scouts
of America, 1984)
Four Season Camping,
by Jeffrey Bairstow (Random, 1982)
Frostbite, by Bradford Washburn
(Boston Museum of Science, 1983)
Fun in Winter Camping, by
Gunnar Peterson (Association Press, 1967)
Harsh Weather Camping--How to Enjoy
Backpacking, Canoeing, and Bicycling Under Any Conditions,
by Sam Curtis (Menasha Ridge Press, 1983)
Harsh Weather Camping in the Nineties--Secrets,
Suggestions, Tips, and Techniques, by Sam Curtis (Menasha
Ridge Press, 1993)
Hypothermia: Death by Exposure,
by William Forgey (ICS Books, Inc., 1985
Hypothermia, Frostbite, and Other
Cold Injuries, edited by James A. Wilkerson (Mountaineers,
Hypothermia--Killer of the Unprepared,
by Theodore G. Lathrop (The Mazamas, 1972)
Keeping Warm and Dry, by
Harry Roberts (Stone Wall Press, 1982)
Manual of Ski Mountaineering,
by David Brower (Sierra Club)
Movin' On--Equipment and Techniques
for Winter Campers, by Harry Roberts (Stone Wall Press,
New Complete Snow Camper's Guide,
by Raymond Bridge (Charles Scribner's Sons, 1981)
NSPS Ski Mountaineering Manual
(National Ski Patrol System, Inc., 1982)
** Okpik--Cold-Weather Camping
(Boy Scouts of America, 1995)
Outdoor Living--Problems, Solutions,
and Guidelines (Tacoma Mountain Rescue)
Outdoorsman's Guide to Wilderness
Camping--A Complete Manual for the Adventurous Camper, Including
Plans for Tent Making and Camping in Snow, by Douglas
Durst (Pagurian Press, 1977)
** Outward Bound Guide to Staying
Warm in the Outdoors Handbook, by Glenn Randall (Lyons
Press, 2000). Formerly Cold Comfort.
Paradise Below Zero, by Calvin
Rustrum (Macmillan, 1968)
Polar Manual, by Capt. E.
E. Hedblom (U.S. Navy, National Navy Medical Center)
Scoutmaster Handbook (Boy
Scouts of America, 1990)
** Secrets of Warmth--Warmth for
Comfort and Survival, by Hal Weiss (Vibe Publications,
Sierra Club Manual of Ski Mountaineering,
by David Brower (Ballantine Books)
Ski Camping--A Guide to the Delights
of Back-Country Skiing, by Ron Watters (Great Rift
Press, 1989)
Snow, by Ruth Kirk (William
Morrow and Co., 1977)
Snow Camping (Boy Scouts
of America, 1995)
Snow Camping (World Publications,
Snow Camping and Mountaineering,
by Edward Rossit (Funk and Wagnalls, 1974)
Snow Camping--The Complete Guide
to Enjoying the Backcountry, by Jo Ann Creore (Lone
Pine Publishing, 1992)
Snow Caves for Fun and Survival,
by Ernest Wilkinson (Johnson Books, 1992)
** Snow Walker's Companion--Winter
Trail Skills From the Far North, by Garrett and Alexandra
Conover (Ragged Mountain Press, 1995)
Soldier's Handbook for Individual
Operations and Survival in Cold Weather Areas (TC 21-3),
by U.S. Department of the Army (U.S. Government Printing Office,
Spirit of Winter Camping--A Wilderness
Guide to Cold Weather Camping, by Harry Drabik (Nodin
Press, 1985)
Spur Master Guide to Snow Camping,
by Cameron McNeish (Spurbooks, 1980)
Venture Snow Camping (Boy
Scouts of America, 1990)
Walk Into Winter--A Complete Snowshoeing
and Winter Camping Guide, by Gerry Wolfram (Scribner,
Wilderness Handbook, by Paul
Petzoldt (W.W. Norton & Co., 1974)
Wilderness Skiing and Winter Camping,
by Chris Townsend (Ragged Mountain Press, 1993)
Winter Adventure--A Complete Guide
to Winter Sports, by Peter Stark and Steven Krauzer
(W.W. Norton and Co., 1995)
Winter Camping, by Bob Cary
(The Stehpen Greene Press, 1979)
Winter Camping (Boy Scouts
of America, 1927)
Winter Camping, by Steven
Gorman (Appalachan Mountain Club Books, 1999)
Winter Camping, by Warwick
Stevens (MacMillan, 1931)
Winter Camping Skills, by
Mors Kochanski (Canadian Camping Association, 1982)
Winter Hiking and Camping,
third edition, by John A. Danielson (Adirondack Mountain Club,
Inc., 1982)
Winter Mountaineering (Colorado
Mountain Club, 1963)
Winter Outdoor-Living, by
Merlin Goode (Brighton Publications, 1978)
Winter Safety Handbook, by
Nordic World Editors (World, 1975)
Winter Scouting Handbook
(Boy Scouts of Canada, 1966)
Winter Wilderness Companion--Traditional
and Native American Skills for the Undiscovered Season,
by Garrett Conover and Alexander Conover (Ragged Mountain,
Wintering in Snow Country,b
y William Osgood (Stephen Green Press, 1978)
Wintering--The Outdoor Book for Cold
Weather Ventures, by Russ Mohney (Stackpole, 1976)
Winterwise--A Backpacker's Guide,
by John Dunn (Adirondack Mountain Club, 1997)
Winter-Wise--Travel and Survival
in Snow and Ice, by Monty Alfred (Hertiage House,
Wood Stoves, by Ole Wik (Alaska
Northwest Publishing, 1977)
See Backpacking
Equipment Vendors page