is For Me, by Art Thomas (Lerner, 1980)
Backpacking With Babies and Small
Children, by Goldie Silverman (Wilderness Press, 1986)
Backpacking with Children,
by Fran Scoble (Windfall Press, 1978)
Backpacking with Small Children,
by James H. Stout and Ann M. Stout (Funk and Wagnalls, 1975)
Buck Wilder's Hiking and Camping Guide,
by Tim Smith and Mark Herrick
Camping and Backpacking with Children,
by Steven Boga (Stackpole Books, 1995)
Eddie Bauer Guide to Family Camping,
by Eddie Bauer and Archie Satterfield (Addison-Wesley, 1983)
Family Camping Guide, by
James and Barbara Newman (World Publishing Co., 1967)
Family Wilderness Handbook,
by Mary S. Welch (Ballantine Books, 1973)
Hiking With Kids, by Robin
Tawney (Falcon Guide, 2001)
Illustrated Backpacking Dictionary
for Young People, by Randy Larson and Eric Lurio (Harvey
House, 1981)
Kids in the Wild--A Family Guide
to Outdoor Recreation, by Cindy Ross (Mountaineers)
Kids Outdoors--Skills and Knowledge
for Outdoor Adventurers, by Victoria Louge, Frank
Logue, and Mark Carroll (Ragged Mountain Press, 1996)
L.L. Bean Family Camping Handbook,
by Keith McCafferty (Lyons Press, 1999)
Michigan's Best Outdoor Adventures
with Children, by Jim DuFresne (Mountaineers, 1990)
Sharing Nature With Children,
by Joseph B. Cornell (Dawn Publications, 1979)
Take a Hike!--The Sierra Club Kid's
Guide to Hiking and Backpacking, by Lynne Foster and
Martha Weston (Sierra Club Books, 1991)
Travel With Children, second
edition, by Maureen Wheeler (Lonely Planet, 1990)
Wilderness with Children--A Parent's
Guide to Fun Family Outings, by Michael Hodgson (Stackpole
Books, 1992)