The first step in preparing your stove
for trouble-free operation on a extreme, cold-weather expedition
is to read the instruction manual from start to finish, twice.
In it, you will find many tips on how to
maintain it, how to operate it properly and safely, and how
to repair it when it malfunctions.
"Reading the instructions is the
single most important step for smooth operation of any stove....If
people read their instructions, I'd probably be out of a
--Mike Ridout, MSR's tech lord and repair
specialist, on the importance of reading a stove's instruction
manual before a wilderness trip, as quoted on page 101 of
Anne Getchell's The Essential Outdoor Gear Manual: Equipment
Care and Repair for Outdoorspeople (Ragged Mountain
Press, 1995)
Using a long-handled, bottle-washing brush
and hot, soapy water, scrub the interior of each fuel bottle
to remove any gunk or foreign matter.
Next, rinse each fuel bottle with hot water
several times to completely flush out any impurities or particulate
matter. Once rinsed, set each bottle aside, upside down with
the caps removed, to allow any remaining water to drain out
or evaporate. At some point, it may be necessary to turn the
bottle right-side-up to complete the evaporation process.
When not in use, fuel bottles should be
emptied of fuel to prevent the accumulation of degraded fuel
deposits that may eventually affect stove operation. Once
emptied, fuel bottles should be stored with their caps in
place, but loose, to prevent debris from entering the bottle
and to prevent the fuel cap O-ring from taking a set, which
could lead to leakage later.
Make sure the large Fuel Bottle O-ring
on the outside of the pump housing--at the top of the threads,
where the pump seals against the lip of the opening in the
fuel bottle--is flexible and soft. If it is hard, flattened,
pitted, cracked, torn, or otherwise damaged, replace it so
the pump housing and fuel bottle will seal properly at subzero
temperatures and allow the fuel bottle to be pressurized.
Inventory the contents of your repair kit
to make sure you have a spare Fuel Bottle O-ring.
If the fuel pump's plastic output fuel
line--called the Dip Tube (not to be confused with the Air
Hose, through which air is pumped into the fuel bottle when
the pump plunger is pumped)--does not have a small filter
attached to the end of it, install an MSR Dragonfly Pump Filter
on it to prevent condensation, particulate matter such as
sand or bits of metal, and other contaminants in the fuel
tank from entering the stove and gunking or plugging it up.
The 1/4- by 1-inch, white, Dragonfly Pump
Filter--MSR item no. 418706--is sold in a package of 10 for
$3.00 and can be ordered through your local MSR dealer, which
you can locate by visiting MSR's "dealer search"
Web page at
Some stoves, such as the Dragonfly, may come equipped with
this filter.
Remove the pump plunger from the fuel pump
and lubricate the Leather Pump Cup with MSR Pump Cup Oil,
3-in-1 oil, or light motor oil so it will form an airtight
seal and allow the plunger to pressurize the fuel tank. If
necessary, spread or stretch out the Leather Pump Cup with
your fingers and work the oil into the leather a bit.
Function-test pump to make sure it works
properly. When the Pump Plunger is pushed down into the pump
housing, air should be forced out of the Air Hose. Install
the pump in an empty fuel bottle and make sure the pump is
able to pressurize the bottle.
It the pump pressurizing mechanism fails
in the bush, just stretching out the pump leather with your
fingers may be enough to get it to seal. In a pinch, saliva,
lip balm, sunscreen, petroleum jelly, or margarine can be
used to lubricate the Leather Pump Cup and help it create
a seal.
Inventory the contents of your repair kit
to make sure you have a spare Leather Pump Cup.
Remove the Check Valve Plug from the fuel
pump housing and inspect and clean the Check Valve Ball and
Check Valve Spring. Clean the check valve chamber in the fuel
pump housing before reinstallation.
Inventory the contents of your repair kit
to make sure you have a spare Check Valve Ball and Spring.
Remove the Fuel Tube Bushing from the fuel
pump housing and inspect the Fuel Tube O-ring to make sure
it is still flexible and undamaged. If it is hard, flattened,
pitted, cracked, torn, or otherwise damaged, replace it so
the stove fuel line will seal properly when it is inserted
in the fuel pump housing.
This particular O-ring is a weak point
in the MSR stove on long-range, subzero expeditions, especially
at temperatures below minus-20 degrees Fahrenheit. Inventory
the contents of your repair kit to make sure you have spare
Fuel Tube O-rings. As mentioned below, it is highly recommended
that you order several extra Fuel Tube O-rings from your local
MSR dealer.
Thoroughly clean the interior the Fuel
Line to remove accumulated carbon deposits and other particulate
matter. First, remove the Jet--unscrew it in a counterclockwise
manner--from the Fuel Line. Next, clean the interior of the
Fuel Line and the exterior of the Fuel Line Cable by repeatedly
working the cable in and out of the full length of the Fuel
Line. Use the cable to scour out the Fuel Line much like you
would use a pipe cleaner in a pipe.
To remove and reinstall the Fuel Line Cable,
insert one end of the cable in the small hole in the jet-and-cable
tool. If you opt to use pliers for this task, clamp down on
the small, round weld at the end of the cable. Do not grip
the cable itself as it may fray the tiny wires, the sharp
ends of which could later damage the delicate Fuel Tube O-ring.
As you work the cable in and out of the
Fuel Line, wet the cable down with solvent. From time to time,
wipe the cable off with a clean rag or paper towel and rinse
the Fuel Line out with solvent. Continue this reaming process--focusing
on the generator tube where most of the carbon deposits tend
to build up--until the fuel line cable no longer deposits
black residue on a piece of paper towel drawn along its length.
Especially-stubborn carbon deposits in
the generator tube can sometimes be dislodged by heating the
generator tube over a flame and then quickly cooling the tube
with water.
With the Fuel Line Cable reinstalled in
the Fuel Line--sans Jet--flush the interior of the assembly
with four ounces (half a cup) of pressured fuel by attaching
it to the fuel pump, which should be installed in a fuel bottle
containing fresh, filtered fuel.
Once the fuel line is scoured and rinsed
out, clean the stove's all-important jet assembly. With the
jet removed from the fuel line, scrub any carbon deposits
from the exterior of the jet and then carefully ream out the
jet orifice using the wire jet cleaning tool. Once reamed
out and rinsed, hold the jet up to a light and peer through
it, making sure it is free of obstructions. The edges of the
round hole should be readily apparent and clearly defined,
and the center of the hole should be very clear and crisp.
If you are unsure of how it should appear, compare and contrast
it with the spare jet included in the repair kit.
Inventory the contents of your repair kit
to make sure you have a spare Jet for use with white-gas fuel.
In a pinch, a toothbrush bristle might be able to fill in
for a missing wire jet cleaning tool.
On stoves with shaker-jet-type Jets, make
sure the shaker-jet mechanism functions properly. You should
be able to hear the shaker jet clicking back and forth as
the stove is repeatedly tipped upside-down and then back up.
Memorize this sound so you can identify when the weighted
wire reamer inside the Jet is functioning and when it is not.
If the Jet mechanism is functioning properly, inverting the
stove will force the weighted wire reamer inside the Jet to
ream the Jet orifice out, forcing any obstructions out. If
the weighted wire reamer is stuck, or if the orifice in the
Jet is heavily obstructed, you may have use the wire jet cleaning
tool in your repair kit to clear the orifice. In some cases,
you may have to remove the Jet and clean it from the inside
out since the wire jet cleaning tool may just be forcing the
obstruction back into the Fuel Line, only to be carried back
into the jet when the fuel is turned on.
Once the stove is reassembled, test fire
it for several minutes to make sure it operates properly.
To prevent any debris from entering the
open, nipple end of the Fuel Line during storage, cover it
with a small, narrow, clean plastic bag secured with a rubber
An excellent plastic bag for this purpose
is a tough, 8-ounce-size baby bottle liner such as the "Playtex
Nurser System Soft Bottle Liner." Avoid using a larger
plastic bag since its wide mouth will collect more debris,
which will eventually work its way down into the bag and into
the Fuel Line.
To prevent the Fuel Pump O-ring from taking
a set and later leaking, always store the fuel pump loosely--not
tightened down--in an empty fuel bottle.
To prevent debris from entering the fuel
pump via the exposed Fuel Tube Bushing opening during storage,
cover the pump housing with a small, narrow, clean plastic
bag secured with a rubber band.
An excellent plastic bag for this purpose
is a tough, 8-ounce-size baby bottle liner such as the "Playtex
Nurser System Soft Bottle Liner." Avoid using a larger
plastic bag since its wide mouth will collect more debris,
which will eventually work its way down into the bag and into
the Fuel Tube Bushing opening.
To minimize stove problems in cold weather,
always use a stove that is capable of burning white gas--the
fuel of choice for subzero expeditioning. White gas--a highly-refined,
extremely-volatile naphtha--is essentially nothing more than
automobile gasoline without tetraethyl lead and other additives.
Sometimes referred to as Pressure Appliance Fuel, white gas
is commonly sold under such trade names as Coleman Fuel, Blazo,
Camplite, and MSR White Gas.
Stoves dependent on compressed gases, or
less-refined fuels such as paraffin-based kerosene and additive-laden
automobile gasoline, are poor choices for cold-weather environments.
When filling fuel bottles or tanks, leave
enough air space--an inch or two if the fuel bottle or tank
does not have a maximum fill line marked on its exterior--in
the vessel so the pump can pressurize it (air compresses,
liquid fuel does not).
Always use fresh, recently purchased fuel.
Old, degraded fuel is one of the most common reasons backpacking
stoves malfunction. This is especially true at subzero temperatures
when solvents, detergents, and moisture in degraded or contaminated
fuel turn to sludge or freeze in the fuel pump, fuel line,
generator tube, or the intricate jet assembly.
When filling your fuel bottles, always
pour the fuel--even fuel advertised as pre-filtered--through
a felt filter so that any contaminants--like particulate matter
(bits of metal from the manufacturing process), dirt and dust
from atop the can, and moisture (condensation in the can)--are
not admitted to the fuel bottle, the interior of which should
be spotless from having been previously scrubbed out, as mentioned.
A combined felt filter and funnel designed
for this purpose is often available at stores that sell Coleman-brand
fuel, stoves, and lanterns. Once such funnel--called the Coghlan's
Filter Funnel, item no. 87964--is available from Campmor at
To prevent damage to the fuel pump housing
as well as prevent debris and other contaminants from getting
inside the fuel bottle during the repeated installation and
removal of the fuel pump, leave the fuel pump installed in
the fuel bottle for the duration of a trip.
To reduce the chance of leakage while underway,
bleed off any pressure by holding bottle vertically--with
the fuel pump up--and loosing pump. Retighten the pump once
the tank is depressurized.
To prevent debris from entering the fuel
pump via the exposed Fuel Tube Bushing during a trip, cover
the pump housing with a small, clean plastic bag secured with
a rubber band.
An excellent plastic bag for this purpose
is a tough, 8-ounce-size baby bottle liner such as the "Playtex
Nurser System Soft Bottle Liner." Avoid using a larger
plastic bag since its wide mouth will collect more debris,
which will eventually work its way down into the bag and into
the Fuel Tube Bushing opening.
To prevent debris from entering the open
end of the stove Fuel Line during transport, cover the open
nipple end of the fuel line with a small, clean plastic bag
secured with a rubber band.
An excellent plastic bag for this purpose
is a tough, 8-ounce-size baby bottle liner such as the "Playtex
Nurser System Soft Bottle Liner." Avoid using a larger
plastic bag since its wide mouth will collect more debris,
which will eventually work its way down into the bag and into
the Fuel Line.
Always carry an instruction/repair manual
for your stove. To make sure your MSR repair manual is intact
and legible when you need it most, waterproof it as you do
your field maps and carry it folded up in a tiny plastic bag
with your repair kit. To learn more about waterproofing paper
products, visit the Land Navigation
Web page on this Web site at and read the map
waterproofing section.
Replacement instruction/repair manuals
for MSR stoves can be viewed or downloaded in a PDF-type file
format by visiting MSR's Web site at
and going to their "support" and "stove"
Web page at
Always carry a fully-stocked repair kit
for your MSR stove. Inventory the contents of your repair
kit to make sure it is not missing any critical items.
MSR stove repair kits can be obtained from
Recreational Equipment Inc., (REI) at,
1-800-426-4840, Campmor at,
1-800-230-2153, or from your local MSR dealer, which you can
locate by visiting MSR's "dealer search" Web page
The Fuel Tube O-Ring--which is held in
place in the Fuel Bottle Pump by the Fuel Tube Bushing--is
easily damaged (torn or broken) when inserting the nipple
of the metal fuel line into the pump, especially in extremely
cold weather when it is hard and inflexible.
While MSR points this out in its stove
manuals--"Below about -10 F O-rings may become inflexible
and may leak or break--few owners know about this inherent
problem or prepare for it. Once damaged, not only will precious
fuel be lost during operation, a fire or explosion may occur.
Since this part--the Fuel Tube O-Ring--is so easily damaged
in cold weather and so critical to the operation of the stove,
you should add several more, perhaps a half dozen, to your
stove repair kit.
The Fuel Tube O-ring--MSR item no. 429134--is
sold in a package of 10 for about $6.00 and can be ordered
through your local MSR dealer, which you can locate by visiting
MSR's "dealer search" Web page at
Every time you insert the nipple end of
the stove fuel line into the fuel pump, make sure you lubricate
the nipple to prevent tearing the Fuel Tube O-ring in the
fuel pump. If you lubricate the fuel line nipple with a light
coating of MSR Pump Cup Oil, saliva, nose grease, margarine,
lip balm, sunscreen, first-aid cream, or other non-petroleum-based
oil, and you gently work (rotate) the fuel line into the pump
housing, you should be able to avoid tearing this O-ring--which
is especially easy to do in subzero weather--as mentioned
Carry a small metal cookie sheet, which
must be large enough to support the heat shield, to keep your
stove from sinking into the snow. The cookie sheet will also
serve as fire pan for a small, Indian-style, cooking fire
if your stove conks out.
A full-coverage, 360-degree, reflective
heat/wind shield, placed vertically around the pot (within
one-half-inch of side of pot), and a second horizontal one
placed just below the burner (but above any tank on a stove
with an integral tank, like Coleman-brand Peak 1 stoves),
can dramatically improve stove efficiency, reducing both boil
times and fuel consumption.
A wide-based pot with a blackened exterior
(a dark surface absorbs more heat than a shiny, reflective
surface, so blacken the pot over a fire or by coating it flat-black,
heat-resistant stove paint) and a tight-fitting lid can dramatically
improve stove efficiency, reducing both boil times and fuel
To properly pre-heat your MSR stove, follow
the manufacturers instructions. On many MSR stoves, this involves
opening the fuel valve until liquid gas is visible in the
priming cup--sometimes called the spirit cup--beneath the
stove (gas should wet priming cup, not fill it to the rim).
After shutting off the fuel valve, light the fuel--or the
fuel-laden priming wick or pad on some models--in the priming
cup. In extremely cold weather, it may be necessary to relight
the fuel once or twice before it will stay lit.
Once lit, make sure the priming flame rising
from the priming cup makes near-continuous contact with the
generator tube--the curved fuel line protruding through the
top of the stove, just above the burner--for several minutes.
The generator tube is designed to absorb heat from the priming
flame--and the burner when it is lit--in order to vaporize
the liquid fuel flowing through it.
To identify a stove's generator tube--or
fuel vaporizing chamber--follow the stove line from the pump
to its terminus beneath the jet assembly. The generator tube
will be that portion of the fuel line that lies closest to
the stove burner.
If the priming flame from the priming cup
is not licking the generator tube, possibly because a slight
breeze is pushing the priming flame to one side, rotate the
stove and adjust the heat shield until the flame engulfs the
generator tube. If the flame does not preheat the generator
tube to a sufficient temperature, the stove will not operate
properly: you'll see dangerous, uncontrolled yellow or orange
flames leaping a foot or two above the stove when the fuel
is turned on instead of very low, concentrated blue flames.
Improper priming and preheating is typically
one of the most problematic and dangerous issues for wilderness
trippers using MSR stoves, even longtime owners. As mentioned
above, the solution is simple: know where the generator tube
is situated on your stove and then make sure the priming flame
engulfs it.
Another priming option--especially for
stoves without a priming cup, such as the Coleman-brand Peak
1 stove--is to apply a priming paste (or fire-starting paste)
just below the generator tube and light it. Once the generator
tube is preheated, the stove can then be lit.
Priming or fire-starting paste--packaged
in a tube like toothpaste--can be found at many sporting goods
stores. Marketed as both a fire-starting paste and a stove
priming paste, "Coghlan's Fire Paste" can be ordered
(item no. 626906) from Recreational Equipment Inc., (REI)
at, 1-800-426-4840.
After you turn your stove off, blow out
the flame instead of letting the flame burn out on its own.
This will reduce carbon buildup in the jet and the escaping
gas may help clean the jet a bit too.
Use caution when priming and preheating
a stove, or when relighting a hot stove. If the generator
tub on a cold stove has not been heated enough, or if the
generator tube on a just extinguished stove has cooled too
much, an extremely dangerous flare-up--sometimes up to three
feet in height--can occur almost instantaneously when lit.
This is especially hazardous in an enclosed space.
If you are using a stove that does not
have a remote fuel cell--such as a Coleman-brand Peak 1 stove
that has an integral fuel tank below the burner, or one of
the blended-fuel, compressed-gas canister stoves--be extra
careful to avoid overheating the fuel tank. Always monitor
the fuel tank to make sure no fuel is running down the outside
of it and that it is not getting hot, especially if you are
using a wide pot, which will reflect heat back onto the stove.
Be careful to never fully enclose or surround such a stove--a
stove with a fuel tank located beneath the burner--with a
heat shield as this will overheat the tank. Never open the
fuel tank cap to vent the tank or refuel the tank when the
stove is lit or hot.
While water freezes at temperatures below
32 degrees Fahrenheit, fuel does not. Instead, it assumes
the ambient air temperature and becomes a super-cooled liquid,
which at 40 below will instantly cause severe frostbite if
the fuel comes in contact with exposed skin.
Never operate a stove in a tent, snow shelter,
or other less-than-well-ventilated area as carbon monoxide
poisoning--a deadly, colorless, odorless, and silent killer--is
a real hazard.
Never operate a stove in a tent, snow shelter,
or other less-than-well-ventilated area as asphyxiation--a
lack of oxygen--is a real hazard since stoves consume a tremendous
amount of oxygen.
Never operate a stove in a tent, snow shelter,
or other confined space as unexpected flare-ups during the
priming and preheating process, flare-ups during the relighting
process, and explosions from malfunctions and leaking fuel
can quickly ignite flammable materials--especially synthetics--such
as tent fabric, sleeping bags, clothing, hair, etc.
Warning: Accidental fires, asphyxiation,
and carbon monoxide poisoning from improper stove use or malfunctioning
stoves are the leading causes of death for Arctic explorers.
Sierra Club accident: On a 2004 CUPG Michigan
Sierra Club trip gone bad, a flare-up from an MSR stove burned
holes in the roof of a North Face tent and came close to seriously
injuring or killing its sweat-soaked and exhausted occupant
who was taking shortcuts during a blizzard along the south
shore of Lake Superior. Be careful and avoid taking shortcuts,
especially when you are wet, cold, and exhausted.
To learn more about stove preparation,
maintenance, operation, repair, and safety, read your stove's
manual, consult an authoritative book on the subject, search
the Internet for information on your stove, or contact the
manufacturer of the stove.
MSR stove manuals and detailed drawings
of MSR stoves can be viewed on-line at MSR's Web site at
by going to their stove manual page at
In-depth discussions of the maintenance,
use, and repair of backpacking stoves can be found in the
following two books:
The Backpacker's Field Manual--A Comprehensive
Guide to Mastering Backcountry Skills, by Rich Curtis
(Random House, 1998)
The Essential Outdoor Gear Manual: Equipment
Care and Repair for Outdoorspeople, by Anne Getchell (Ragged
Mountain Press, 1995)
To learn more about your stove, query an
Internet search engine such as Google at
Mountain Safety Research (MSR):
4000 1st Ave S
Seattle, Washington 98134
Fax 1-800-583-7583
Web site:
MSR dealer locator page:
Stove manual page:
FAQ's page:
Contact information for additional
stove manufacturers is listed on this Web site on the Stoves
and Rations page.
About Camping
Select "outdoor cooking"
Adventure Alan's Backpacking Food page
Backpacking Light
Go to "Lightweight Backpacking
101 Outline" select "Part 5, Trail Food"
Select "technique" followed by
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Gorp--Adventure Travel
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and "food"
Great Lakes Lightweight Backpacking
Select "trail food"
House of Nutrition
Select "nutrition" to get to a
page to calculate your daily caloric requirements
Jugglebutton's World--Hiking Food
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Lots of useful information
Outdoor Cooking and Recipes
Pack Light, Eat Right
Select "Pack Light, Eat Right"
Pemmican--Recipes, Stories, and Stores
Trail Food Recipes
Select "trailfood"
Ultralight-Hiking Recipes
University of Georgia's So Easy To Preserve
Guide to Drying
USDA Nutrient Database
This handy, searchable database will
help you determine the nutrition values and makeup--such as
water, kcal, protein, fat, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals--of
different foods.
101 Ways
to Make Ramen Noodles, by Toni Patrick (C & G
Publishing, 1993)
4-H Hiking and Backpacking--Snacks
Along the Trail, by Mary A. Spruill-Pollock (North
Carolina Agricultural Extension Service, 1986)
Appalachian Trail Food Planner,
by Lou Adsmond (Appalachian Trail Conference, 2000)
AYH Outdoor Food Book, by
Chris Redi, editor (Pittsburgh Council of American Youth Hostels,
Backcountry Cooking, by J.
Wayne Fears (East Woods Press, 1980)
Backcountry Cooking--Feasts for Hikers,
Hoofers, and Floaters, by Sierra Adare (Tamarack Books,
Backcountry Cooking--From Pack to
Plate in 10 Minutes, by Dorcas S. Miller (The Mountaineers,
Back-Country Kitchen--Camp Cooking
for Canoeists, Hikers, and Anglers, by Teresa Marrone
(Adventure Publications, 1996)
Backpack Cookery, by Ruth
Dyar Mendenhall (La Siesta Press, 1974)
Backpack Cookery--Instructor Manual,
by Jan Phillips (Missouri Department of Conservation, 1982)
Backpack Trail Cooking, by
Thomas H. Griffin (Sentinel Publications, 1972)
Backpacker's Budget Food Book--How
to Select and Prepare Your Provisions From Supermarket Shelves,
by Fred Powledge (D. McKay Co., 1977)
Backpacker's Cookbook, by
Dave Coustick (Neil Wilson, 1996)
Backpackers' Cookbook, by
Margaret Fiske and Jean Fiske (Ten Speed Press, 1973)
Backpacker's Cookbook--A Complete
Manual and Handbook for Cooking Freeze-Dried and Wild Foods
on the Trail and in the Wilderness, by Harvey MacKlin
(Pagurian Press, 1978)
Backpacker's Food Book, by
Hasse Brunnelle (Simon & Schuster, 1981)
Backpacker's Recipe Book--Inexpensive,
Gourmet Cooking for the Backpacker, by Steve Antell
(Pruett Pub., Co., 1980)
Backpacking--A Hedonist's Guide,
by Rich Greenspan and Hal Kahn (Moon Publications, 1985)
Backpacking and Camping Cookbook,
by Rob Hunter (State Mutual Books, 1981)
Backpacking Food From the Grocery
Store, revised, by Alice McKay (D & S Publications,
Backpacking Foods, by Rose
A. Millette and Ginny Soberg (North Dakota State University,
Backpacking Menus, by Terry
M. Mandeville (Price Guide Publishers, 1980)
Basic Essentails of Cooking in the
Outdoors, by Cliff Jacobson (ICS Books, Inc., 1989)
Camp Cooking--A Backpacker's Pocket
Guide, by Bill McMorris and Jo McMorris (Globe Pequot
Press, 1989)
Complete Book of Outdoor Cookery,
by Mel Marshall (Outdoor Life Books, 1983)
Complete Guide to Trail Food Use,
by William W. Forgey (Indiana Camp Supply, 1977)
Complete Light-Pack Camping and Trail-Foods
Cookbook, by Edwin P. Drew (McGraw-Hill, 1977)
Complete Pack Provisioning Book,
by Nancy Jack (Contemporary Books, 1978)
Cooking (Boy Scouts of America,
Cooking for Camp and Trail,
by Hasse Bunnelle and Shirley Savirs (Sierra, 1972)
Cooking for Campers & Backpackers,
by Frank Logue and Victoria Logue (Menasha Ridge Press, Inc.,
Cooking in the Outdoors--The Basic
Essentials, by Cliff Jacobson (ICS Books, Inc., 1989)
Cooking Out-of-Doors--Fire Building,
Outdoor Kitchens, Cookout Hikes, Food Planning, Recipes
(Girl Scouts National Organization, 1946)
Cooking the One Burner Way--Gourmet
Cuisine for the Backcountry Chef, by Melissa Gray
and Buck Tilton (ICS Books, Inc. 1994)
Eating Hearty in the Wilderness With
Absolutely No Clean Up--A Backpacker's Guide to Good Food
and "Leave No Trace Camping," by Bern Kreissman
(Bear Claw Press, 1994)
Expedition Cookbook, by Carolyn
Gunn (Chockstone Press, 1988)
Food for Backpacking and Camping,
by Charlotte Dunn (University of Wisconsin, 1978)
Food for Knapsackers and Other Trail
Travelers, by Hasse Bunnelle (Sierra Club Books, 1971)
Food Safety While Hiking, Camping,
and Boating (U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1999)
For Campers Only--Sewing and Cooking,
by Cameron Yerian and Margaret Yerian (Children's Press, 1975)
Good Food for Camp and Trail--All-Natural
Recipes for Delicious Meals Outdoors, by Dorcas S.
Miller (Pruett Pub., 1993). Includes meal planning, nutrition,
and recipes.
Gorp, Glop, and Glue Stew--Favorite
Foods from 165 Outdoor Experts, by Yvonne Prater and
Ruth D. Mendenhall (The Mountaineers, 1982)
Gourmet Camping--A Menu Cookbook
and Travel Guide for Campers, Canoeists, Cyclists, and Skiers,
by Joan W. Osborne (Quail Ridge Press, 1992)
High Country Cooking in Colorado,
by B. Cogswell (Wimmer Brothers Fine Printing and Lithography,
High Trail Cookery, by Linda
Yaffe (Chicago Review Press, 1989)
Hungry Hiker's Book of Good Cooking,
by Gretchen McHugh (Alfred A. Knopf, 1982)
Joy of Cooking--The Complete Four-Seasons
Guide, Five Seasons Practical Guide to Enjoying the Great
Outdoors (Without Destroying it) (Saturday Review
Press, 1973)
Just Jerky--The Complete Guide to
Making it, by Bell (Dry Store Publishing, 1996)
Kayak Cookery--A Handbook of Provisions
and Recipes, by Linda Daniel (Pacific Search Press,
Lipsmackin' Backpackin'--Lightweight,
Trail-Tested Recipes for Backcountry Trips, by Tim
Conners and Christine Conners (Three Forks, 2000)
Movable Feasts--The Backpacker Magazine
Cookbook, by Hasse R. Bunnelle (Simon and Schuster,
New Healthy Trail Food Book,
revised, by Dorcas S. Miller (East Woods, 1980)
** NOLS Cookery--Experience the Art
of Outdoor Cooking, 2nd edition, edited by Sukey Richard,
Donna Orr, and Claudia Lindholm (Stackpole, 1991)
One-Burner Gourmet, by Harriett
Barker (Contemporary, 1981)
One Pan Gourmet Cooks Lite--A Low-Fat
Cooking Guide for the Outdoors, by Don Jacobson and
Don Mauer (ICS, 1999)
One Pan Gourmet--Fresh Food on the
Trail, by Donald Jacobson (Ragged Mountain Press,
1993). Includes 150 recipes.
Outdoor Cooking--From Backyard to
Backpack, by Louise DeWald (Arizona Highways, 1991)
Outdoor Epicure--An R.E.I Cookbook
(Recreational Equipment, Inc., 1979)
Outdoor Skills Instruction--Cooking
(Boy Scouts of American, 1993)
Pack to Nature, by Frank
Ford (Harvest Press, 1974)
Packrat Papers No. 2--Tips for Trail
Meals and Cooking Gathered From the Pages of "The Signpost,"
a Newsletter for Hikers and Backpackers (Signpost
Publications, 1973)
Pioneer Wilderness Food,
by Edward Doan (Rodas, 1978)
Portable Baker--Baking on Boat or
Trail, by Jean Spangenberg (Ragged Mountain Press,
River Runner's Recipes, by
Pat McCairen (Menasha Ridge Press, 1994)
River Runner's Recipes, by
Patricia Chambers (Pacific Search Press 1984)
Roughing it Easy, by Dian
Thomas (Warner Books, 1975)
Safe Food to Go--A Guide to Packing
Lunches, Picnicking, and Camping Out, by Mary Ann
Parmiley (U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1988)
** Simple Foods for the Pack--the
Sierra Club Guide to Delicious Natural foods for the Trail,
by Claudia Axcell, Diana Cooke, and Vikki Kinmont (Sierra
Club Books, 1986)
Spur Backpacking and Camping Cook
Book, by Rob Hunter (Spurbooks, 1978)
Supermarket Backpacker, by
Harriet Barker (Contemporary Books, Inc., 1977)
Trail Cooking, by John Weiss
(Reinhold, 1981)
Trail Food--Drying and Cooking Food
for Backpacking and Paddling, by Alan Kesselheim (McGraw
Hill, 1998)
Trail Foods--Easy, Healthy, and Delicious,
by Carolyn Gunn and John Viehman (Rodale Press, 1989)
Trailside Cooking, by Russ
Mohney (Stackpole, 1976)
Trailside Gourmet--Backpacker's Selected
Recipes, by Carol Munson (Rodale Press, 1988)
Trailside's Trail Food, by
John Veihman (Rodale Press, 1993). A rather small book; includes
time-tested recipes, preparation tips, nutrition, drying,
drinking water safety, and environmentally-safe cooking.
Trekking Chef--Gourmet Recipes for
the Great Outdoors, by Claudine Martin (Lyons and
Burford, 1989)
Upscale Outdoor Cookbook--Simple
Recipes for Campers, Backpackers, and Short-Order Cooks,
by Cari Taylor-Carison (Serendipity Ink, 1992
Wanapitei Canoe Trippers' Cookbook
II--Wilderness Cooking, The Environment and You, by
Carol Hodgins (Highway Bookshop, 1999)
Wanapitei Canoe Trippers' Cookbook,
by Carol Hodgins (Highway Bookshop, 1982)
Well-Fed Backpacker, by June
Fleming (Vintage Books, 1981). Delicious, trail-tested recipes
along with useful tips.
Wild Foods Field Guide and Cookbook,
second edition, by Billy J. Tatum (Workman, 1985)
Wilderness Cookbook and Guide for
Outdoor Enthusiasts, by Berndt Berglund and Clare
E. Bolsby (Scribner, 1973)
Wilderness Cookbook--A Guide to Good
Food on the Trail, by Bonnie McTaggart and Jill Bryant
(Second Story Press, 1999)
Wilderness Cookery, by Bradford
Angier (Stackpole Books, 1963)
Wilderness Cuisine--How to Prepare
and Enjoy Fine Food on the Trail and in Camp, by Carole
Latimer (Wilderness Press, 1991)
Wilderness Notebook--Practical, Time-Saving,
Work-Saving Hints for Campers, Hikers, and Canoeists,
by Herb Gordon (Burford Books, Inc., 1999)
Wilderness Ranger Cookbook (Falcon
Press, 1990)
MRExcellence Cookbook--Your Guide
to Making Ordinary Military MRE's Extraordinary, by
Vicki Waters (Western Reserve Foods, 1997)
Unofficial MRE Recipe Booklet--How
to Have Fun Eatin' on the Run, by Walters S. McIlhenny
and Mort Walker (McIlhenny Co., 1985)
Dry it--You'll
Like It, by Gen MacManiman (MacManiman, Inc., 1983)
Dehydrator Gourmet, by Herschel
L. Scott (Poverty Hill Press, 1983)
Food Drying with an Attitude: A Fun
and Fabulous Guide to Creating Snacks, Meals, and Crafts,
by Mary T. Bell (Skyhorse Publishing, Inc., 2008)
High Trail Cookery--All-Natural,
Home-Dried, Palate-Pleasing Meals for the Backpacker,
by Linda F. Yaffe (Chicago Review Press, 1989)
Jerky, by A.D. Livingston
(The Lyons Press)
Just Jerky--The Complete Guide to
Making it, by Mary Bell (Dry Store Publishing Co.)
Lightweight Gourmet--Drying and Cooking
for the Outdoor Life, by Alan S. Kesselheim (Ragged
Mountain Press, 1994). Covers dehydrating food of wilderness
Mary Bell's Complete Dehydrator Cookbook,
by Mary Bell (_______________) (
Trail Food--Drying and Cooking Food
for Backpacking and Paddling, by Alan S. Kesselheim
(Ragged Mountain Press, 1998)
Complete Guide to Sports Nutrition,
by Ryan
Composition of Foods, by
Bernice Watt and Annabel Merrill (U.S. Department of Agriculture,
High Performance Bicycling Nutrition,
by Rofoth
High-Performance Nutrition--The Total
Eating Plan to Maximize Your Workout, by Susan M. Kleiner
and Maggie Greenwood-Robinson (John Wiley & Sons,
1996). Good info on how diet and nutrition affect fat loss,
muscular development, strength, stamina, and disease prevention.
Covers nutritional supplements too.
Let's Eat Right to Keep Fit,
by Adelle Davis (New American Library, 1988)
Nutrition Almanac, by John
D. Kirschmann (McGraw-Hill Paperbacks, 1979)
Brown Bagging
It--A Guide to Fresh Food Cooking in the Wilderness,
by Jean Nagy (The Marty/Nagy Bookworks, 1976)
Camper's Cookbook, by Ruth
L. Schubert (Little, Brown, 1974)
Campers Guide to Outdoor Cooking
Tips, Techniques, and Delicious Eats, by John Ragsdale
(Lone Star Books, 1999)
Camping-on-the-go Cookery,
by Bradford Angier (Stackpole Books, 1983)
Cast-Iron Cooking, by A.
D. Livingston (Lyons Press)
Cee Dub's Dutch Oven and Other Camp
Cookin'--A Back Country Guide to Outdoor Cooking Spiced with
Tall Tales, by C. W. Welsh (Back Country Press, 1999)
Cooking the Dutch Oven Way,
3rd edition, by Woody Woodruff (Globe Pequot Press, 2000)
Complete Book of High Altitude Baking,
by D.M. Hamilton and B.A. Nemiro (Sage Books, 1970)
Complete Outdoor Cookbook,
by Dan Morris and Inez Morris (Hawthorn, 1970)
Cookin' Good Grub in Camp--The Camping
Book for Everyone (Russ Harris, 1997)
Cooking Out-of-Doors, by
Alice S. Rivoire and Gloria Gentile (Girl Scouts of the U.S.A.,
Cooking Over the Campfire,
by Marie F. Heisley (U.S. Department of Agriculture, 1940)
Dutch Oven Cooking, by Ragsdale
More Cee Dub's Dutch Oven and Other
Camp Cookin', by C. W. Welsh
Outdoor Chef--A Guide to Campfire
and Fireplace Cookery, by Paul W. Handel (Harper,
Outdoor Cooking, by Ora Rose
and Bob Brown
Outdoor Dutch Oven Cookbook,
by Sheila Mills (Ragged Mountain Press, 1997)
Outdoor Dutch Oven Cooking,
by Sheila Mills (McGraw Hill, 1997)
Outdoorsman's Cookbook, by
Arthur H. Carhart (MacMillan Co., 1944)
Pocket Guide to Cooking in the Great
Outdoors, by Shelsby
Roughing It Easy--A Unique Ideabook
for Camping and Cooking, by Dian Thomas (Rigby, 1977)
Spicy Camp Cookbook, by O'Keefe
Wilderness Cooking for Fun and Nutrition,
by Carol Hodgins (Highway Bookshop, 1982)
Wilderness Kingdom Cook Book--Over
90 Wild-Game Recipes (Prairie Crafts, 1984)
Abbeys Best (10-06)
Adventure Foods
Meals; staples: beans, cheese, fruit, meat,
AlpineAire Foods
Meals; staples: beans, fruit, meat, vegetables
Select "camp/hike" and "food"
Backpackers Pantry
Meals; staples: beans, cheese, fruit, vegetables
Backwoods Grocery
Cabin Cuisine (10-06)
Cache Lake Camping Foods
Meals from several companies
Caribou Cry
Wide selection of meals and staples (meat,
vegetables, fruit, cheese) from a number of companies
**Enertia Trail Foods
Meals; staples: beans, vegetables
Harvest Foodworks
Meals; staples: fruit
Just Tomatoes
Stapes: fruit, vegetables
L.D.P. Camping Foods
Meals from several companies
Mountain House
Meals; staples: fruit, vegetables
MSR Mountain Gourmet Foods
Packit Gourmet
Pack Lite Foods
Equipment, Inc., (REI)
Meals from several companies
Richmor/Natural High
Soft Path Cuisine
Staples: beans
The Spice Hunter (10-06)
Trail Gourmet, Inc.
Walton Feed (10-06)
For additional lightweight ration sources,
Chet Fromm's Backpacker Guide--Grub
See backpacking
resources page on this Web site for additional outdoor
gear vendors which may also sell lightweight rations for field
Jerky Review:
See "Taste Test: Beef Jerky" in the September 2005
issue of Backpacker Magazine
Bartlett Boys
Beef Jerky Emporium (12-05)
Note: distributes 28 brands
Buffalo Bills Beef Jerky (12-05)
Fesperman's Beef Jerky (12-05)
Jerky 'N' Nutz
Just Smoked Salmon (12-05)
Little Man Jerky
Mingua Brothers Beef Jerky (12-05)
Michigan Brand
Mountain America
Omaha Steaks Beef Jerky
Papa Dan's
Texas Best
The Jerky Guy
Toxic Tommy's
Vermont Beef
Wild Bill's
Yorkshire Farms
The top two beef jerky companies were
Bartlett Boys and Papa Dan's. The top two turkey jerky companies
were Michigan Brand Jerky and Mountain America Jerky. To
learn more, read "Chew on This," by David Petersen
and Michele J. Moris in the June 2002 issue of Backpacker
magazine, pp. 29-33.
To learn how to make your own jerky,
see the food drying section of
this Web page.
Armed Forces Merchandise Outlet
Brigade Quartermasters
Cheaper Than Dirt
Ken Nolan, Inc.
Major Surplus & Survival
Ranger Joe's
Sportsman's Guide
U.S. Cavalry

Granola bars--Nature
Valley |
2 bars |
6-4-29 |
180 |
42g |
Walnuts--Diamond |
1/4 cup |
20-5-3 |
210 |
30g |
Banana chips |
1/4 cup |
9-13-1 |
130 |
25g |
Tea--Republic Ginger Peach |
1 cup |
0-0-0 |
0 |
2g |
35-22-33 grams |
520 cals |
99 grams
3.47 ounces
Energy bar--Power Harvest
Bar |
1 bar |
5-7-45 |
260 |
65g |
Energy drink--Gookinaid |
1 quart |
0-0-48 |
184 |
50g |
5-7-93 grams |
444 cals |
115 grams
4.03 ounces |
String cheese--Frigo |
2 pieces |
12-14-0 |
160 |
56g |
Beef jerky--Pemmincan |
2 ounces |
2-24-6 |
140 |
56g |
Sesame Wheat |
3 pieces |
22-44-39 |
495 |
167 |
Ice tea--Crystal Light |
2 cups |
0-0-0 |
10 |
5g |
Candy--Snickers snack size |
1 bar |
5-3-12 |
95 |
20g |
22-44-39 grams |
495 cals |
167 grams
5.85 ounces |
Candy--M&M's |
1/4 cup |
9-2-30 |
210 |
42g |
Almonds--Diamond |
1/4 cup |
18-8-6 |
218 |
30g |
Dried cherries--Traverse Bay |
1/3 cup |
0-1-34 |
140 |
43g |
Candy--Snickers snack size |
1 bar |
5-3-12 |
95 |
20g |
32-14-82 grams |
663 cals |
135 grams
4.73 ounces |
Soup--Fantastic Vegetable
Barley |
1 cup |
0.5-5-33 |
150 |
43g |
Cous Cous--Enertia Foods:
"Blue Mountain Bear Mush" |
2 cups |
7-9-80 |
430 |
106g |
Cookie--Bahlsen "Hit"
Biscuits |
1 biscuit |
4-0.5-9 |
70 |
15g |
Tea--Republic Blackberry |
1 cup |
0-0-0 |
0 |
2 |
12-15-122 grams |
650 cals |
166 grams
5.81 ounces |
fat-protein-carbs |
calories |
682 grams
23.87 ounces |
around with matches, flammable liquids, flammable solids,
and vessels (e.g. homemade stoves) containing or restricting
flammable substances can be dangerous or deadly. Be careful.
Do it outside. Have a fire extinguisher handy.
Efficiency of alcohol vis-a-vis conventional
fuels: Alcohol burning stoves use fuel twice as fast as conventional
backpacking stoves using white gas or propane. Alcohol-burning
stoves become less weight-efficient on longer trips. (Source:
"Hot, Light, and Cheap," by Steve Howe, Backpacker,
June 2002, page 94)
Cooking Equipment--Making Heat
Cat Food Can Stove by Roy Robinson
Cat Stove Modifications by Sgt. Rock
Esbit Stove Option
Fuzzy's Lil' Stover
Homemade Alcohol Burning Stove
Linguini's Alcohol Stove
Pepsi Can Stove by Scott Henderson
Photon Stove by Don Johnston
Photon Stove II
Shane Graber's Stove Instructions
A must-read for any alcohol stove builder
Soda Can Stove by LaMar Kirby
Solid Fuel Stove Info
Three-Fuel Stove by Michael Connick
Titanium Wingstove
Two-Ounce Stove by Ron Moak
Stove runs on either alcohol or hexamine/trioxane
fuel tabs
Wings--The Homemade Stove Archives
Over two dozen alcohol and solid fuel stove
Zen Stoves
Tons of info on alternative fuel stoves
Backpacker Magazine Stove Plans
"Hot Tuna Stove," August 2001,
pages 110-111
Used Swedish Trangia stove and mess kit
Boundary Waters Catalog
Trangia stoves
Hike N' Light Alcohol Stove--this
two-ounce stove was designed by an AT hiker
Cheaper Than Dirt
Swedish alcohol stoves
Major Surplus & Survival
Used Swedish Trangia stove and mess kit
Equipment, Inc., (REI)
Trangia Mini stove
Trangia Info
Trangia Stove--Manufacturer's Web site
Trangia Stove--Modification to Lighten
Trangia Stove--Retailer
Tritan Mountain Sports
Check out the very affordable and stripped-down
Trangia Mini-28 and Westwind models.
Trangia Stove--Retailer
Outdoor Sportz
Trangia Stove--U.S. Distributor
Hexamine solid fuel tabs, along
with the Esbit Pocket Stove, are the choice of NATO troops,
generally white in color, advertised as non-toxic, slow to
light, advertised as legal to transport on airplanes, and
packaged in clear plastic. These are the tabs that are popular
among Michigan Sierra Club wilderness trippers.
Trioxane solid fuel tabs are U.S. Military
Vietnam-era ration heating tabs that are generally blue in
color, are considered toxic (nasty fumes, but hotter than
hell), often packaged in thick olive-drab-colored aluminum
packets (pin holes turn tablets to useless powder; not a big
problem), fast lighting, and were designed to be used with
aluminum canteen cup heaters.
To learn more about using the Esbit Pocket
Stove, visit
To learn more about solid fuel and solid
fuel stoves, visit
Esbit Pocket Stove & Hexamine Fuel
The NATO standard and popular with wilderness
trippers in the Michigan Sierra Club. A simple, German-quality,
functional favorite. No retail sales of stove
or fuel tabs.
Armed Forces Merchandise Outlet
Folding wing stove; hexamine and trioxane
fuel tabs
Boy Scouts of America
Heatab stove and hexamine Heatabs
Brigade Quartermasters
Trioxane fuel tabs, Tommy Cooker folding
stove, canteen cup stove
Esbit pocket stove; Esbit hexamine
fuel tabs
Cheaper Than Dirt
Used German Esbits stoves; Trioxane fuel
tabs; Swiss Ranger Volcano stove for use with solid fuel tabs.
International Military Sales Plus (IMS-PLUS)
Hexamine & trioxane fuel tabs
Ken Nolan, Inc.
Special Forces Stove, hexamine &
trioxane fuel tabs
Light Weight Gear
Coghlan's hexamine fuel tabs
Major Surplus & Survival
Oversze version of German Esbit
Ranger Joe's
Esbit hexamine fuel tabs; aluminum-alloy
folding stove
Equipment, Inc., (REI)
Esbit pocket stove; Esbit hexamine fuel
Search Gear
Butt-Pack stove; fuel tabs
Esbit Pocket Stove; Esbit hexamine fuel
Sportsman's Guide
Trioxane fuel tabs
Hexamine fuel tabs
Vector 1
Hexamine and trioxane fuel tabs
**Speaking of stoves, check out this guy's
massive stove collection