A lone timber wolf greets
paddlers along the north shore
of Lake Superior, Canada
(Photo by Michael Neiger)
When dew is
on the grass
rain will never
come to pass
-- Anon.
The weather
is beautiful;
but as noodle says,
"we shall suffer
for this, sir,
-- Sydney Smith
Letter to
Sir George Phillips,
When leaves
show their undersides,
be very sure
that rain betides
-- Anon.
Some are weatherwise,
some are otherwise.
-- Benjamin Franklin
Poor Richard's
Almanac, 1733
The tempest's howl,
it soothes my soul,
my griefs
it seem to join;
the leafless trees
my fancy please,
their fate
resembles mine.
-- Robert Burns
Winter: A Dirge
Michael A. Neiger, Marquette, Michigan
Wilderness tripper:
backpacking, winter camping, swift-water canoeing
Web site URL: http://therucksack.tripod.com
E-mail: mneiger@hotmail.com
Contents copyright © 1984-2007 by Michael A.
Neiger All rights reserved.
Bush skills
Last updated on
October 13, 2004
For 100's of sources for wilderness tripping equipment
and supplies, visit the sources for
gear page on this Web site.
Trying to buy a new or used copy of a book, but can't
locate one? Want to find a library somewhere in the country
that will lend you the book at no cost? Then visit the handy
book finder page on this Web
If you know of a useful
outdoor-related book, catalog, or Web site not listed on this
Web site, e-mail the book's title, subtitle, author, publisher,
date of publication, and short description; or the catalog's
address and phone number; or the Web site's URL to Michael
Neiger at mneiger@hotmail.com.
** Recommended
Lightning Safety
Lightning Protection Institute
For more information on lightning safety, see the Lightning
page on this Web site.
Aviation Weather, by the
Federal Aviation Agency and U.S. Department of Commerce Weather
Bureau (U.S. Government Printing Office, 1975)
Instant Weathercasting, by
Alan Watts (Dodd, Mead)
Instant Weather Forecasting in Canada,
by Alan Watts (Dodd, Mead, and Co., 1978)
Lightning Book, by Peter
E. Viemeister (MIT Press, 1972)
National Audubon Society Field Guide
to North American Weather, by David M. Ludlum (Alfred
A. Knopf, 1995)
Pocket Weather Forecaster
(Weather Trends, Inc., 1974)
Weather, by Paul Lehr, R.
Will Burnett, and Herbert Zim (Golden)
Weather Book, by Jack Williams
(USA Today, 1992)
Weather Sourcebook, by Ronald
Wagner and Bill Adler (Globe Pequot Press, 1994)
Weathering the Wilderness--The
Sierra Club Guide to Pratical Meterorology (Sierra Club Books,
Boater--A Weather Handbook for the Great Lakes, by
Mal Sillers and Don Hill (Mal Sillers Weather Consultants,
Inc., 1987)
For current weather conditions and forecasts,
visit the "weather page"
in this Web site.
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God's wilderness lies the hope of the world,
great, fresh, unblighted, unredeemed wilderness.
John Muir 1838-1914, Alaska Wilderness, 1890
Copyright © by Michael A. Neiger
All rights
Suggestions? Dead links? Inaccurate info?
Contact the
WebMaster at mneiger@hotmail.com
MacroMedia DreamWeaver 4 and Fireworks 4 production