Knife Sharpening
Book of Woodcraft and Indian Lore,
by Ernest T. Seton (Doulbeday, Page, & Co., 1927)
Camp and Trail Methods, by
E. Kreps (A. R. Harding, 1910)
Campcraft and Woodlore, by
the Canadian National-Grand Trunk Railways (Stout and French,
Inc., 1927)
Campers' Guide to Woodcraft and Outdoor
Life, by Luis Henderson (1972)
Campers' Handbook, by Dillon
Wallace (Fleming H. Revell, Co., 1936)
Camping in the Old Style,
by David Wescott (Gibbs Smith Publisher, 2000)
Complete Book of Outdoor Lore and
Woodcraft, by Clyde Ormound (Harper and Row, 1982)
Complete Campers Manual,
by Francis H. Buzzacott (1905)
Encylopedia of Country Living,
by Carla Emery (Sasquatch Books, 1994)
Junior Book of Camping and Woodcraft,
by Bernard S. Mason (Ronald Press Co., 1943)
Manual for the Modern Day Mountain
Man, by Mack Peyton and Jack Romanek (A.G. Halldin,
Mountain Man Crafts and Skills,
by David Montgomery (Horizon, 1980)
New Way of The Wilderness,
by Calvin Rutstrum (MacMillan Co., 1958)
** On Your Own in the Wilderness,
by Townsend Whelen and Bradford Angier (Stackpole Co., 1964)
Primitive Outdoor Skills,
by Richard L. Jamison (Horizon Publishers, 1985)
Primitive Semi-Permanent Shelters,
by John McPherson and Geri McPherson (Prairie Wolf, 1996)
Primitive Wilderness Cooking Methods,
by John McPherson and Geri McPherson (AG Press, 1988)
Primitive Wilderness Living and Survival
Skills, by John McPherson and Geri McPherson (Prairie
Wolf, 1993). An excellent how-to on primitive living.
Primitive Wilderness Skills--Applied
and Advanced, by John McPherson and Geri McPherson
Shelters, Shacks, and Shanties,
by Daniel C. Beard (Charles Scribner and Sons)
Wildwood Wisdom, by Ellsworth
Jaeger (Macmillan Co., 1945)
Woodcraft, by E.H. Kreps
(A.R. Harding Publishing Co., 1978)
Woodcraft and Camping, by
Nessmuk (Dover Publications, Inc., 1963 [1923])
Woodsmoke, by Ellsworth Jaeger
(MacMillan Co., 1953)
** Your Own Book of Campcraft,
by Catherine T. Hammett (Simon and Schuster, 1974)
The Backwoodsman--Muzzleloading,
Woodslore, Survival, Homesteading, History, Indian Lore
Backwoodsman Magazine
P.O. Box 627
Westcliffde, Colorado 81252
Wilderness Way--Primitive Skills
and Earth Wisdom
Wilderness Way
P.O. Box 621
Bellaire, Texas 77402-0128