Edible and Harmful Plants
Edible Flower Recipies
The Gatherer--Plant Use Multiple Database
Search Engine
Plants For A Future--Database Search
Plants for a Future--7000 Useful Plants
Poisonous Plant Database (Plant List)
by the U.S. Food & Drug Administration
Safe Plants (and poisonous)
by the University of California
Survival Use of Plants--Edibility
Useful Wild Plants of the United States
and Canada
by Charles Francis Saunders
Recipe Book--How to Use the Ingredients from Nature's Kitchen,
by Richard W. Unger (Family Books and Novelties, 1986)
Basic Essentials of Edible Wild Plants
and Useful Herbs, second edition, by Meuninck (Globe
Pequot Press, 1999)
Billy Joe Tatum's Wild Foods Cookbook
and Field Guide, by Billy Joe Tatum (Workman Publishing,
Co., 1976)
Eat the Weeds, by Ben C.
Harris (Barre Publishers, 1968)
Edible and Useful Plants of the United
States, by Charles F. Saunders (Dover Publications)
Edible Native Plants of the Rocky
Mountains, by H. D. Harrington (University of New
Mexico Press, 1967)
Edible Wild Plants--A North American
Field Guide, by Thomas S. Elias and Peter A. Dykeman
(Sterling Publishing Co., Inc)
Edible Wild Plants and Useful Herbs--The
Basic Essentials, by Jim Meuninck (ICS Books, 2001)
Edible Wild Plants of Eastern North
America, revised, by Merritt L. Fernald and Alfred
C. Kinsey (Harper and Row, 1958)
Edible Wild, by Berndt Berglund
and Clare E. Bolsby (Pagurian Press, 1971)
Feasting Free on Wild Edibles,
by Bradford Angier
Field Guide to Edible Wild Plants,
by Bradford Angier (Stackpole Books, 1974)
Field Guide to Edible Wild Plants--Eastern
and Central North America, by Lee Allan Peterson (Houghton
Mifflin, Co., 1977)
Field Guide to Medicinal Wild Plants,
by Bradford Angier (Stackpole Books, 1978)
Field Guide to Venomous Animals and
Poisonous Plants, by Steven Foster (Houghton Mifflin,
Foraging Gourmet, ninth edition,
by Lyle (Lyons Press, 1997)
Free for the Eating, by Bradford
God's Free Harvest--Successful Harvesting
of Nature's Free Wild Foods and Wild Edibles for Your Survival
and Y2K, by Ken Larson (Rhema Publishing, 1997)
Great Lakes Berry Book, by
Krumm (Falcon Press, 1997)
Guide to Wild Foods and Useful Plants,
by Nyerges
Handbook of Edible Wild Plants and
Weeds--Using Fruit, Nuts, Seeds, Flowers, Buds, and Other
Parts From Plants That Grow Nearby, But Outside the Garden
as Wilds and Weeds, by Fern J. Ritchie and Ralph J.
Ritchie (Ritchie Unlimited Publications, 2001)
How Indians Use Wild Plants for Food,
Medicine, and Crafts (formerly entitled: Uses
of Plants by the Chippewa Indians), by Frances Densmore
(Dover Publications, 1974)
Man Eating Bugs--The Art of Eating
Insects, by Peter Menzel and Faith Daluisio (Ten Speed
Press, 1998)
More Free-for-the-Eating Wild Foods,
by Bradford Angier
Mushrooms Demystified, by
David Arora (Ten Speed Press)
Natural World Cookbook--Complete
Gourmet Meals from Wild Edibles, by Joe Freitus (Stone
Wall Press)
Naturalist's Guide to Cooking with
Wild Plants, by Connie Krochmal and Arnold Krockmal
(Quadrangle, 1974)
Stalking the Blue-eyed Scallop,
by Euell Gibbons (David McKay, Co., 1964)
Stalking the Healthful Herbs,
by Euell Gibbons (David McKay, Co., 1966)
Stalking the Wild Asparagus,
by Euell Gibbons (David McKay, Co., 1962)
Survival FM 21-76,
by the U.S. Army (U.S. Government Printing Office, 1986)
Tom Brown's Field Guide: Wild Edible/Medicinal
Plant, by Tom Brown
Useful Wild Plants of the United
States and Canada, by Charles Francis Saunders (1920)
Wild Edible Plants of the Western
United States, by Donald R. Kirk (Naturegraph Publishers,
Wild Food Primer--Your Guide to Learning
About and Using Edible Wild Plants and Other Forageables,
by John N. Kallas (Wild Food Adventures)
Wild Foods Field Guide and Cookbook,
second edition, by Billy J. Tatum (Workman, 1985)
Wild Gourmet, by Babette
Brackett and Maryann Lash (David R. Godine, 1975)
Wild Preserves--Illustrated Recipies
for Over 100 Natural Jams and Jellies, by Joe Freitus
(Stone Wall Press)
See Edible
Wild Plants section above
Deadly Harvest--A Guide to Common
Poisonous Plants, by John M. Kingsbury (Holt, Rinehart,
and Winston, 1965)
Human Poisoning from Native and Cultivated
Plants, 2nd edition, by James W. Hardin and Jay M.
Arena (Duke University Press, 1974)
Poisonous Plant Contamination of
Edible Plants, by Abdel-Fattah M. Rizk (CRC Press,
Poisonous Plants of the United States
and Canada, by John M. Kingsbury (Prentice-Hall, 1964)