Blazing the Way
North Country Trail
San Gabriel Mountains Trailbuilders
Trail Building
Trail Building
and Maintenance
International Mountain Bicycling Association
Trail Resources--Bibliography
Trails and Greenways Clearinghouse
Select "technical assistance"
and "biographical references"
Trail Design and Construction
American Trails
Trail Maintenance and Construction Tasks,
Their Hazards, and Recommended Safety Gear
Tennessee Eastman Hiking and Canoeing Club
Trail Maintenance Glossary
Trails to Builds
Trail Maintenance Manual, seventh
Edited by Thomas Casey, John Schoen, and
George Neffinger
New York-New Jersey Trail Council
Trail Shorts--A Cursory Look at Trail
Trail Tools
American Hiking Society
Trails, Bridges & Boardwalks-Design
and Construction
University of Florida
Trails Primer--Glossary and Acronyms
Trails and Greenways Clearinghouse
Select "technical assistance"
and "trails primer"
U.S.D.A. Forest Service Trail Construction
South Carolina State Trails Program
Western Trailbuilders Association
AMC Field Guide to Trail Building
and Maintenance, by Robert D. Proudman (Appalachian
Mountain Club, 1977)
AMC Trail Adopter's Handbook,
by Thomas L. Lentz (Appalachian Mountain Club, 1997)
Appalachian Trail Design, Construction,
and Maintenance, by William Birchard, Jr., Robert
Proudman, Michael Dawson (Appalachian Trail Conference, 2000)
Appalachian Trail Fieldbook--A Self-Help
Guide for Trail Maintainers, by William Birchard,
Jr., and Robert D Proudman (Appalachian Trail Conference,
Arkansas Trails System--Maintenance
Manual (Arkansas Department of Parks and Tourism)
Backcountry Trail Maintenance Standards--The
User Perspective, by Terence P. Conway (1997)
Backpack Trail Maintenance
(U.S. Forest Service)
Best Management Practices for Erosion
Control During Trail Maintenance and Construction,
by John Twitchell (New Hampshire Division of Parks and Recreation,
Complete Guide to Trail Building
and Maintenance, third edition, by Carl Demrow and
David Salisbury (Appalachian Mountain Club Books, 1998)
Construction and Maintenance of Horse
Trails in Arkansas State Parks, by Jay S. Miller (Arkansas
Department of Parks and Tourism, 1983)
Construction and Maintenance of Trails
(Virginia Division of State Parks)
Construction Guidelines (Colorado
Division of Parks and Outdoor Recreation, 1981)
Construction of Trails (National
Park Service, 1937)
Design and Maintenance Guidelines
for Hard Surface Trails, by Ed McBrayer (Path Foundation,
Developing Sustainable Mountain Trail
Corridors, by Hugh Duffy (National Park Service, 1991)
Fences, Gates, and Bridges--A Practical
Manual, by George A. Martin and Denis Boyles (Lyons
Press, 1999)
Field Guide For Routine Recreation
Trail Maintenance, by Ann Jewett (Washington State
Department of Natural Resources, 1977)
Field Maintenance Manual
(Finger Lakes Trail Conference, 1992)
Fitness Trail--Building, Signing,
and Using the Trail, by Brian J. Sharkey, Arthur H.
Jukkala, and Randall Herzberg (U.S. Government Printing Office,
Florida Trail Manual (Florida
Trail Association, 1991)
Forestry Handbook, edited
by R.D. Forbes (Ronald Press Co., 1955)
Green Fact Sheet No. 2--Trail Construction
and Maintenance (Scenic Hudson, Inc., 1991)
Greenways--A Guide to Planning, Design,
and Development, by Charles A. Fink, Kristine Olka,
and Robert M. Searns (1993)
Guide for Mountain Trail Development,
by the U.S.D.A Forest Service (Colorado Mountain Trails Foundation,
Guide to Building Fitness Trails,
by Judy Gill (Publishing Horizons, Inc., 1986)
Guide to Log Lean-To Construction,
by the Maine Appalachian Trail Club (Appalachian Trail Conference,
Guide to Volunteer Trail Building
on Public and Private Land in Texas (Texas Parks and
Wildlife Dept., 1985)
Guide to Walkway Construction and
Maintenance, by the New Zealand Walkway Commission
(New Zealand Department of Lands and Survey, 1979)
Guidelines for Constructing Overnight
Backcountry Facilities, by Stephen K. Rice, Stephen
C. Fay (U.S.D.A. Forest Service, 1977)
Guidelines for Trail Crew Leaders
(Missouri Department of Natural Resources)
Handbook on Trail Building and Maintenance--For
National, State, and Local Natural Resource Managing Agencies,
by Stephen S. Griswold (Sequoia National Park, 1996)
Hand Drilling and Breaking Rock for
Wilderness Trail Maintenance, by Dale Mrkich and Jerry
Oltman (U.S.D.A. Forest Service, 1984)
Handtools for Trail Work,
by Richard Hallman (USDA Forest Service, 1997)
How to Build a Walking Trail (Texas
Department of Health, 1998)
Indiana Trails Construction and Maintenance
Manual (Indiana Department of Natural Resources, 1978)
Klamath District Trail Manual
(California Trail Foundations, 1993)
Lightly on the Land--The SCA Trail-Building
and Maintenance Manual, by Robert C. Birkby (Mountaineers
Books, 1996)
Mountain Trail Volunteers--A Guide
to Working Safely (Colorado Mountain Trails Foundation)
Nature Trails [Extension
Bulletin no. 368], by D.M. Larsen and W.R. Miles (University
of Minnesota Agricultural Extension Service,)
NCTA Trail Building and Maintenance
Manual, by Tom Reimers
NPS Trails Management Handbook,
by Lennon Hooper (U.S. Government Printing Office, 1994)
Practical Trail Design, by
Jaynee Levy (Ciskei Tourist and Holiday Trust, 1984)
Practices and Problems in Trail Maintenance
and Construction, by Jerry Oltman (U.S. Forest Service,
Recreation Trail Maintenance,
by Don Clift and Terry Graham (Washington State Department
of Natural Resources, 1983)
Recreation Trails Manual
(Tennessee Department of Environment and Conservation, Division
of Parks and Recreation, 1992)
Recreational Trail Design and Construction,
by David M. Rathke and Melvin J. Baughman (University of Minnesota,
Extension Service, 1994)
Sign Manual (Parks Canada,
So You Want to Build a Trail?--A
Guide to Developing Urban Trails, by Ken Eastin (Arkansas
Department of Parks and Tourism, 1991)
South Carolina Trail Planning Handbook
Standard Specifications for Construction
and Maintenance of Trails (U.S.D.A. Forest Service,
Standard Trail Suspended and Suspension
Bridges (SATA [Nepal, 1977)
Survey, Design, and Construction
of Trail Suspension Bridges for Remote Areas (SKAT
[Switzerland], 1983)
Tahoe Rim Trail--A Guide to Construction,
by Frank A. Magary (Tahoe Rim Trail, 1988)
Tools of the Trail--A Bibliography
of Planning, Advocating, Designing, Building, Maintaining,
and Managing Trails Throughout America, by Paula Ward
(American Hiking Society, 1994)
Trail and Shelter Maintenance Manual
(Green Mountain Club, Inc., 1993)
Trail Building and Maintenance,
by Robert D. Proudman and Reuben Rajala (Appalachian Mountain
Club Books, 1981)
Trail Construction and Maintenance,
with special reference to the Appalachian Trail (Potomac
Appalachian Trail Club, 1929)
Trail Construction and Maintenance
Notebook, by Woody Hesslbarth and Brian Vachowski
(U.S.D.S Forest Service, 2000)
Trail Construction for People With
Disabilities (F.M.C.B.C. [B.C.], 1981)
Trail Construction for the Disabled
(F.M.C.B.C. [B.C.], 1981)
Trail Construction Guidelines
(Ontario Ministry of Natural Resources, 1978)
Trail Construction Manual (Tennessee
Dept. of Conservation, 1978)
Trail Construction on the National
Forests, by the U.S.D.A. Forest Service (U.S. Government
Printing Office, 1923)
Trail Design, Construction, and Maintenance,
by Robert D. Proudman and William Birchard, Jr. (Appalachian
Trail Conference, 1981)
Trail Deterioration and Maintenance
(U.S.D.A. Forest Service, 1980)
Trail Maintenance Manual
(New York New Jersey Trail Conference, 1990)
Trail Maintenance Standards--Mount
Rainier National Park, by John Dalle-Molle (1978)
Trails Management Handbook
[FSH 2309.18] (U.S.D.A. Forest Service, 1991)
Trail Manual--A Manual for the Maintenance
and Operation of Trails in the East Bay Regional Park District,
by Rachel McDonald and Sally Cahill (East Bay [Oakland California]
Regional Park District, 1995)
Trail Manual (Parks Canada,
Trail Manual for the Appalachian
Trail, No. 1 (Appalachian Trail Conference, 1966)
Trail Planning
and Layout, by B. L. Ashbaugh and R. F. Holmes (National
Audobon Society, 1967)
Trail Planning, Construction, and
Maintenance--A Bibliography, Jean Albrecht and Timothy
B. Knoop (University of Minnesota Agricultural Experiment
Station, 1984)
Trail Standards (British
Columbia Dept. of Recreation and Conservation, 1975)
Trails Design and Management Handbook,
by Troy S. Parker (Pitkin County Open Space and Trails Program)
Trails for All the People,
by Robert L. Thayer, Jr. (Colorado Division of Game, Fish,
and Parks)
Trails for the Twenty-First Century--Planning,
Design, and Management Manual for Multi-Use Trails,
second edition, by Charles A. Flink, Kristine Olka, and Robert
M. Searns (2001)
Trails Handbook, by the U.S.D.A.
Forest Service (U.S. Government Printing Office)
Trails Manual, by Charles
Vogel (Equestrain Trails, 1968)
Trails South, by the U.S.D.A.
Forest Service (Southern Region)
Work Skills Manual (Student
Conservation Association, 1994)
Crib Walls for Mountain Bike Trails
[Recreation Tech Tips] (U.S.D.A. Forest Service, 1992)
Mountain Bike Accessories for Trail
Work, by Brian Vachowski (U.S.D.A. Forest Service,
Mountain Bike Trails--Techniques
for Design, Construction, and Maintenance (Bikecentennial,
Trail Care Crew--Trail Building Clinic,
by Jan Riter and Mike Riter (International Mountain Bicycle
Trail Development and Construction
for Mountain Bicycling--A Collection of Resources,
by Gary Sprung (International Mountain Bicycling Association,
Cross-Country Close to Home--A X-C
Skiing Development Manual (Ski Industries America,
Nordic International Group, 1989)
Cross-Country Ski Trails--A Guide
to Their Design and Management, by Paul F Rasmussen,
Gary R. Clay, and Stuart N. Spetzner (Northern Illinois Planning
Commission, 1979)
Cross-Country Ski Trails--A Starter
Manual, by Stanton Allaben and Howard Peterson (U.S.
Ski Association)
Cross-Country Ski Trail and Facility
Design Manual, by Mike Exall (Cross Country Ontario,
Cross-Country Ski Trail and Facility
Development--Construction and Maintenance Manual (Canadian
Ski Association, Cross Country B.C., 1987)
Guide to Vermont Ski Trail Construction
and Management, by Glen M. Wood, Paul Winkelarr, and
John J. Lindsay (Agricultural Experiment Station, 1973)
Ben Meadows
Forestry Supplies, Inc.
Madsen's Shop and Supply, Inc.
Rock busting tools
Rockhart Signs and Markers
Trail markers
Trail Services
Walter C. May Company
Power tools
Zac Tools
(Out of business)